Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm a terrible blogger!

Mike told me after our computer crashed a couple weeks ago, that I spend a lot of time on it during the day. Ok, he was right. I kind of got out of the habit while my computer was gone, and haven't been good about updating the blog! This is important time on the computer and I'm hoping to do better!

Here is our little Amanda in her Nutcracker make-up. She had the best time!

Last week, we had the Christmas festivities in full swing! Festival of Trees volunteering started on Monday with decorating day. I missed last year because B was sick, so it was all new to me today. I was surprised to see how many trees were set up by the time Elise and I got there! Also, I expected the number of trees to be down due to the economy, but Sharlee said the numbers were up. Where they saw the drop was in the purchase of trees. Still, some amazing trees and it's touching to see how many volunteer hours go into putting on this festival and raising all the $ for Primary Childrens Hospital.

Thursday we had cake & ice cream at the Gibby's because Evan and Jamie were heading home. We had a great time visiting with them and are thrilled that Jamie & the kids are coming to stay with my parents when Evan is deployed. We will miss you so much, Evan! You will be in our prayers multiple times each day. We are proud of you.

Friday, Jim & Renae treated us to Five Alls! YUM! We love this place! And it was really fun to be with the adults and be able to chat. We enjoy our siblings so much and are grateful that we have good relationships with them. Thanks, Jim & Renae for a fun party! And thanks Amanda for tending! I love that she can do that!!!

Saturday started too early as I went to help set-up the Stake's Christmas festival at 7am. This year, the Elliott's from our ward were in charge of the outside party and true to form, it was spectacular! Kathryn's talent is limitless and she created like 10 Dicken's style store fronts that we helped set up.

That night, Mike & I were going back to the Festival of Trees to bag up trees. So, luckily the kids got to sleep at Grandma & Papa Arvy's! They had a grand time and thank you again to Jim & Renae for helping us out! We were able to do some shopping and then met with our friends, Darin & Elise Jensen at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner! YUM! I probably gained 10 pounds this weekend. We were late getting to the Expo center because of dinner (we got there around 10:30p), but there was still plenty to do! We left there around 1:15am!

Note to anyone doing a tree....the people who volunteer to bag your tree and get it ready for transport, do not enjoy boxing up multiple toys, dolls, little statues and fake fluffy snow. It's difficult and very time-consuming for tired people! However, despite the tallest tree almost falling over multiple times (due to an unregulated stand) which we had to prop up until the morning, we were able to get our trees all ready to go!

Since we brought some cheesecake home, Mike and I had a little 'early morning' snack when we got home at 2am! ymmmmmm, cheesecake eating at 2am gives you sweet dreams!

I ran to get the kids in the morning, while Mike met the tree deliverers....I took care of the homefront, activities meeting, posters & flyers for the party, and getting us to church while Mike did more volunteer work. Needless to say, Sunday night all any of us could do (including the kids) was fight or was a very early bedtime!

Happy Birthday to my Mom on Monday! We love you Mom and are grateful for all you do for us!

The ward party is this weekend and we are excited about it, but anxious for it to be over. It will be nice to relax and not worry about an upcoming event!
We are about done with our Christmas shopping, also! I wish the same for all of you!
I'll do better at posting now! Loves

1 comment:

Makell said...

Hey there - I talked to Emily today and she said that the ward party was Amazing. I loved the forgotten carols idea - - - nicely done!