Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra-ra
Christmas Eve at my parent's house is quite the event! Every year, we get Chinese food! We used to eat at Golden Dragon as far back as I remember with the grandparents and Kay & Bud's family. Now, it has evolved to having Dragon Diner deliver our blessed meal. (Once we had 11 little kids running around-adjustments had to be made!) I missed our tradition of the family Christmas poem. We would take the paper place mat from the restuarant and pass it around to each family member. Each family member was required to write one line of a poem until another masterpiece is created! We have quite the poets in our family (NOT!)
Then, we open sibling and cousin gifts so that we can just come to Grandma & Papa's anytime on Christmas Day. When everyone has 2 families (and great-grandparents) to visit, it make it nice to have some flexibility.

We had D & Kat this year and all they wanted was food storage! Thanks to the Distribution Center...that was all wrapped up! We also gave them some of their favorite chocolate for the rest of their food storage!Amanda got a cute Little EPet and ran right to the computer to 'adopt' it!

Sydney got a purse with make-up....so Sydney

....and Brandon

got this cool helicopter that he had to tell Dad and his uncles (more than once) to please stop playing with his toy! He also got a cool Transformer!

In keeping with the food storage theme (and threats of giving us a garbage can to put our emergency 'kits' in), Rog & Coze got us a great first aid kit! (Which we really needed-Thanks!)

Here are some attempts at getting the grandkids to pose for a picture!

Our kids were already in their Christmas Eve jammies! Those silly elves had left them in Daddy's car! They are so sneaky that way!

1 comment:
Brandon and Zach make the funniest faces! Thanks again for the food storage, we need it.
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