Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brandon says:

I took the kids to the Festival of Trees after school on Friday (well almost after school...note to kids-your Mom is cool to get you out of school to go to stuff!). After a couple of hours, they were about done. I had gotten them each one toy or prize. Brandon picked a 'noodle' sword (sword made out of a swim noodle). He wanted two. I said, no-just one. This started a HUGE tantrum (you know the kind where other people comment to you: "Hang in there....I remember that age....I teach preschoolers so I understand")

Brandon: I want two swords!

Mom: Brandon, just one. That's the rule.

Brandon: My rule is two! I want another sword!

Mom: No, Brandon

Brandon: Mom, if you don't get me another sword, you're fired!


Tiffany said...

At least it's somewhat "cute" when your little ones do it, but just wait until your TEENAGERS pull that kind of thing. Teenager tantrums a such a joy! Like your blog's a good thing they're cute!

d.r. gib said...

You should tell him that he can't fire you, because you quit! Zach lately likes to tell me he is tired of me when he doesn't get his way.

Roger Gibson said...

Oh, that is so funny! I just posted a little conversation between me and Elyse. It happened a month ago but I was just thinking about and didn't want to forget - so I posted it. Sorry we were gone by the time you got to the FOT. Elyse was hating it the second we got there. I thought she would love it. Anyway, we didn't last long at all.

Roger Gibson said...

BTW - my kids got a kick out of your picture at the top. What fun memories!

Makell said...

You're fired! ha ha I love that. That is funny stuff.