Every year our neighborhood has a big party. This year...it rained! We usually miss the flag ceremony and early morning bike ride and run. We don't like to get up early! Maybe we're getting old or maybe we are tired of it because we did it for so many, many years, but we wait until it's time for the children's parade! Just as the parade started this year, it started pouring rain! But, no worries, we still walked in the rain! Mike drove the car down and picked up Sydney half way. Amanda rode her bike on ahead of us and Brandon and I just walked, really fast!

Are we having fun yet?
After the parade, there was supposed to be a family picnic in the common area. So, since the rain canceled that, we had a family picnic at Gandolfo's!

Then, the inflatables! The sun finally came out and the kids could hardly wait!
Mikey was such a good Dad and helped Brandon on the obstacle course.

Brandon and Sydney 'boxing'

Super slide
Amanda helped, too.

The carnival games included catch a goldfish with you hands! Fun, but now we have 3 goldfish that won't die. Many neighborhood people sent their fish 'to live in the ocean' which translated means flush them that night! Great idea....
Sydney won a cookie eating contest!
That night we have a bbq and raffle. It was cold, but a lot of people came. Mike usually cooks and this year I helped in the food line as the dessert nazi, telling the neighborhood kids they couldn't fill their plates with desserts! A guy in the neighborhood has a band and they played for us....and did a great job! In the raffle, we won vitamin water...whoopee....and then they canceled the outdoor movie because it was cold and someone forgot to get a good speaker, so no one coudl hear. It got rescheduled for Monday night. It's a busy day, but it is fun and most of all, it's making memories for the kiddos!
What a fun neighborhood activity, I love things like that. Sounds like you guys haven't been able to escape the rain out there the last few weeks, I hope it dries out soon!
Steve had fun talking to you guys on Sunday, I think that was the longest phone conversation he's had since we moved out here.
We liked chatting with Stevie, too...we miss ya'll!
I am impressed you went out in the rain, I would have chickened out. Zach would have loved the blow up toys. See you on Friday!
Sounds so fun!! I'm just sort of laughing at how this would NEVER happen in our neighborhood! Not that everyone here isn't great, but it is just a different world over there in Davis Land! Love it~
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