The Gibby cousins have decided to hang this summer...so since our first plan got RAINED out, we headed to the Church History Museum. (Are you getting the theme of RAIN?)
Here is Cozette's nephew, CJ, and Brandon at the 'Tabernacle pulpit'. Then, we went into the I Am A Child of God exhibit. Brandon was obessed with these magnet cars!

He played with those until a wild pack of girls surrounded him and took the magnet from him. He gave up peacefully and ran to Mommy! Mean girls! Pretty soon they were bored and he was able to resume playing. So busy he couldn't even look up for the picture.

We also ran into Sister Berrett and Sister Kelly from the 10th ward. They were training to be guides at the museum. Kat also ran into another ward member from 10th ward, that was just raving about how cool Dad is....he's so down to earth and real and I love how he speaks (gives talks I was assuming). That was fun to hear about my Dad!
As we were leaving to get lunch, Sydney decided to 'lead the Relief Society in a song'

And then it was Amanda's turn.....

Can you guess by Brandon's picture where we went next? We had lunch with Darin and Roger who work close by....and then went to the Gateway Olympic Fountain.....

This time started out like the last time we were here...with Brandon running in to get wet, but he promptly fell and was done with the fountain for awhile.

Then, he couldn't resist and went back in for fun!

We played awhile with Kat's kids and Corrine's kids (Kat's sis) and all the kids were having a blast even though it was COLD!

Brando and Zach, Aubrey running in the background.....

When we started to leave the kids wanted to find our brick! During the 2002 Olympics, you could buy a brick to pave or decorate this plaza. Mike and I thought our kids would think it was cool....and they do! We found it in section 30 - 6 rows up from the fountain.
It was a fun day and we are looking forward to our next fun cousin activity!
I did not know you had a brick. I will have to look for it next time we are down there. We had so much fun! What is next?
Looks like fun! I hope to join you next time
My kids loved the church history museum ...I had forgotten about that. Maybe that is what we'll do today since we are living in the middle of winter!
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