Matt invited all of us to go hike Mt. Timpanogos a couple of weeks ago and we were excited to go! Since we were going through SL, we decided to do some errands. We took Grandpa's truck, got it washed and then picked up the boat from the dealer and took both back to the storage unit. We grabbed lunch, filled up the car, picked up Mike from the storage place and headed south. The kids were really good even though they had been in the car for so long!
Everyone was there when we arrived, so we started climbing immediately! Little Brandon hiked about 95% of the way, with his only rest being short rides on Dad's shoulders. He weighs about 40 pounds, so that's quite a load for Mikey! Amanda is quite a hiker and took the backpack and hiked up with cousin, Maddie. Little Syd, Syd we had to drag up the mountain. She's quite vocal about what she doesn't like! She did it, though! And although we had to threaten her (you'll go back to the car!) all the way up, we made a big deal of her accomplishment once we reached the top! It took us about an hour since we were traveling at a 3 year old's pace!
It was about 96 degrees today and so we were glad to reach the chilly cave!
The cave was fun and all the cousins were loving all the formations. Brandon was happy and giggly. Must have been the thin air!
We started down and Sydney discovered she had to potty....but the potty is a hike back up the mountain! She wanted to get down, so she and I really went fast. She was in pee-pee pain as any girl would know, but she made it to the bottom and we were both relieved!
We all went to Thanksgiving Point after for dinner. The food was good, but the service terrible. The girls went into the gift shop and found the Webkinz and promptly talked their Dad into buying them each one (and Brando, too). The girls are obessed with Webkinz!
Brandon would pull the trigger as Mike aimed at the targets.
After buying a couple of sleeping bags and a shade tent (ward campout coming up), we were headed home at about 10pm!
Fun day with our kiddos! Too bad church starts at 9am!
WOW, what a long day-you guys are troopers! Cabelas looks fun, we'll have to check it out when we're in town. I can't believe how much energy you have, it's amazing!!!
We love Cabela's too. Zach's favorite thing to do is shoot the guns. I have been wondering if Z would make it up Mt Timp, but if we tell him Bubba did it we will for sure try!
Kerry told me you guys had taken the kids down to Timp and I thought that was a great idea for a Family night....Our's have been really bad lateley - we need some inspiration!
I'm impressed that Brandon hiked the whole thing!
Tell Mike all he needed was a coon hat for that picture at Cabela's.
Guess we can scratch Cabella's off our summer list of activities. J/K I don't think we'll make it to even half the places we wanted to go this summer. looks like so much fun, especially Mt. Timp. (I won't attempt to spell the whole thing).
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