So, we had an idea to do Dutch oven cooking for our ward campout coming up in August. We didn't own a dutch oven and had never try to cook this way before....but we are up for adventure! Mike researched on-line and found the 'official' Boy Scout dutch oven (it seriously has the boy scout emblem on it). It arrived this week, so I got some breakfast ingredients and this morning, right and early, Mikey was out cookin' up some vittles!
He dragged me out of bed ('s was 8:15a), and we headed out to the patio for breakfast! And he did a great job! It was YUMMY! So, we called our friends, the Francis' over for breakfast (we dragged them out of bed, too!). The Lucas' were walking on the pathway behind our house and we dragged them into the backyard for breakfast
(they were also impressed with Mikey's garden boxes).
Fun morning and with good food and good friends! Mikey is liking the dutch oven so much, we are going to do a cobbler for tonight and then try a roast tomorrow for dinner!
That cobbler was de-lish! Seriously - 2 helpings and I could have had more! Thanks for the invite -that was perfect after a Sat filled with yard work and not much fun. We needed to get out... We will happily be your guinea pigs for any other dessert he may try - or breakfast, dinner, etc etc.
That looks like a really fancy set-up. The best part of the whole things is Mike doing the cooking, right?
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