We had D& Kat's kids over on Friday while Kat is recouperating from surgery. My kids LOVED having their cousins over. Brandon and Zach played so long and hard that Zach fell asleep on his way home and slept until the next morning! They chased each other around the house, we took a walk, they played in the jump house, they raced cars and ran and ran and ran.
I think Brando likes having boys around to play guy stuff.
Sydney and her baby, Makayla
And Sydney was in HEAVEN watching Makayla! She kept asking if we could keep her. She kept asking if we could have her sleep over. She kept asking if we can have another baby or if we can adopt another baby. And asking me to ask D& Kat if we could keep Makayla. The girl is obsessed! It was fun to watch her 'mother' Makayla and I think Kayla liked the constant attention from her big cousin.
The beauty of watching the cousins (other than we love having them around) was that since Brando and Syd were occupied, I got so much done! I washed the floors (which hadn't been done in weeks), and finished organizing the toys in the basement. Two huge projects on my 'to-do' list! So, Thanks D& Kat for loaning us your babies for the day!
I think Brando likes having boys around to play guy stuff.
And Sydney was in HEAVEN watching Makayla! She kept asking if we could keep her. She kept asking if we could have her sleep over. She kept asking if we can have another baby or if we can adopt another baby. And asking me to ask D& Kat if we could keep Makayla. The girl is obsessed! It was fun to watch her 'mother' Makayla and I think Kayla liked the constant attention from her big cousin.
The beauty of watching the cousins (other than we love having them around) was that since Brando and Syd were occupied, I got so much done! I washed the floors (which hadn't been done in weeks), and finished organizing the toys in the basement. Two huge projects on my 'to-do' list! So, Thanks D& Kat for loaning us your babies for the day!
So, I'm looking at the top picture and trying to figure out who is who...is Brandon the one with his back to the camera? I can't believe how similar they look. I am glad you were able to help Kat out, I feel bad when things like this come up and I can't help because I am so far away.
It's funny how much the two boys look alike. Their faces really don't but if you see them from behind it's impossible to tell.
How funny! Brandon has his back to the camera!
I don't know how we always dress them the same, it is hilarious. Thank you so much for the help!! I can loan then to you any time so you can get chores done, because I can't get much done here with them!
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