Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Come on!

Come on! With all the GREAT 80's music, the boys came up with WHAT? Mike and I only liked Michael Johns (I think that's his name...the Aussie). We sure hope the girls do better tonight! Mike and I are doing an 80's party for our next ward party! Trivia, games and a lip sync! So, we are all about the music right now! Anyone have any leg warmers I can borrow?

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I liked the Aussie's performance too. Steve didn't care so much for his dance moves though. I also liked the guy with the crazy dreadlock hair, the song was kind of a weird one, but he did a really good job.

Good luck with your 80s party, wish I had some legwarmers and stretch pants for you! :)