Who knew that balloons could keep two kids, who have been cooped up all week, entertained forever! We went shopping for the 80's party and Syd & B each wanted a balloon (luckily, they didn't pick the neon colors that we bought for the party-ugh!). I came to the computer to do some things for my piano recital (which is tomorrow), and here they came with their balloons....up and down and all around. It's the best! I just hope they don't pop too soon! I have a lot to do today!
Also, on a bragging note: Amanda took some Iowa tests at school and tested in the top 10% in the nation for reading. She is also reading at a 9th grade level...she's a 3rd grader! We are proud of you, Manda!
A 9th grade level!?!?!??! Wow, that's amazing! Way to go!
p.s. we love the balloons around here too, the girls will stay entertained for a long time with them-it's great!
I think Syd looks so cute with her bangs pulled back!
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