Friday, March 7, 2008

Balloons...toy d'jour

Who knew that balloons could keep two kids, who have been cooped up all week, entertained forever! We went shopping for the 80's party and Syd & B each wanted a balloon (luckily, they didn't pick the neon colors that we bought for the party-ugh!).
I came to the computer to do some things for my piano recital (which is tomorrow), and here they came with their balloons....up and down and all around. It's the best! I just hope they don't pop too soon! I have a lot to do today!

Also, on a bragging note: Amanda took some Iowa tests at school and tested in the top 10% in the nation for reading. She is also reading at a 9th grade level...she's a 3rd grader! We are proud of you, Manda!


Hillary said...

A 9th grade level!?!?!??! Wow, that's amazing! Way to go!

p.s. we love the balloons around here too, the girls will stay entertained for a long time with them-it's great!

d.r. gib said...

I think Syd looks so cute with her bangs pulled back!