Friday, May 30, 2014

More Brandon's birthday!

 Ohhhh look at this cute Bubba of a baby!  He was always so happy and patient!
 And now he is this handsome 9 year old!!
There is a change in personality at 9 years old.
I remember the girls getting sassier.  Brandon is getting funnier.  He has a great sense of humor that we are all learning to appreciate.  
Here's nine things we love about Brandon!
1.  He doesn't like to go to bed, but he doesn't sleep in-so it's necessary.  
2.  He has about 10 stuffed animals he sleeps with-we call it Brandon's village and he has to count them before going to sleep
3.  He likes to sleep with the ceiling fan on.  If it's not on, he gets too hot and then starts to sleepwalk.
4.  He's competitive at school.  He often did more Mastery homework pages so he could be number one.  He also powered through his times tables and division trying to be number one. I can't remember if he made number one, but if not, only second to Luke Kelley who went to Challenger private school for 3 years.
5.  He loves football, basketball and golf
6.  He doesn't like bugs or spiders or bees at all! If he sees a bug near the front door, he will go wait on the driveway until I come find him or he'll go through the garage.
7.  He gives great hugs!  He always reminds us of family prayer at night.
8.  He brushes AND flosses everyday.
9.  He loves to read, play the piano and play video games.
I really could go on and on.  He is such a fun kid and we love him so much! 
Happy Birthday Brandon!

Friends: Andrew, Garrett, Kolton, Luke Tanner, Will, Spence (red shirt back to us) and Ben
 Now, on to the party!I think we had 12 boys here and we played Minute to Win It games.  Crazy and chaotic!  Mike asked why we don't do it at another place…like Get Air…I told him with it being May, we might only end up with 3 boys and who wants to pay $150 for a party at a tramp place for just 4 kids.  It sure sounds nice though!
 Spencer in red shirt, Ethan and Will
Some of the cute friends…red shirt, Garrett, Luke Ben, Nick and Tanner
 Brandon made up this game. He called it Clay Pigeons.  Mike would throw a plastic plate in the air and the boys would try to it with a ball…tennis ball, football, random ball...
They all loved it and only a few of them hit the plate! Brandon did get a couple!
Really nice friends that gave fun gifts :)

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