Friday, May 30, 2014

Amanda's bunionectomy!

We discovered Amanda had this Tailor's Bunion (hereditary) in December. After snowboarding, she'd be in a ton of pain.  She couldn't run and after dance she'd have to ice.  
 Our doctor, Todd Flitton, told her she could just buy bigger shoes or get it taken off.  It was quite painful and she's only 15, so her Dad and I didn't want her to deal with this forever.  But, deciding when she could be out of commission with dance, soccer and snowboarding was a challenge.

 We made the decision to quit soccer.  She knew if she got kicked on that side of her foot, she would be in extreme pain.  She would just ice and ibuprofen after snowboarding.  She continued to dance because of her commitment to her teams, but iced and ibuprofen afterward.
 She continued on this path for the next almost 6 months….and after her Dance Showcase on May 12th, she was free to be gimpy for a few weeks!
 She was so funny coming out of anesthesia and gave us quite a few laughs.  Dr Flitton said everything went great and gave us instructions for home.  We ran a couple of errands and picked up lunch, but then got her home to her spot on the couch which lasted a few days.  Well, she actually went to school the next day because of some tests.  And then she went on Friday, too.  She went to a dance sleepover on Friday night and then she crashed so tired on Saturday when we got her home.  She never missed a day of school after this surgery and although her Dad and I worried, we were also proud of her.
Without the bandages.  We are about 2.5 weeks past surgery and she's working on walking without the boot (except at school-she needs the protection!) and after an appointment she has on Monday, we are hoping she can wear shoes and maybe do dance tryouts. If she can't tryout it's ok because we think the directors know what team they want her on.  This was highly stressful for her.  Add to that stress the stress of the last weeks of school and she was having major stomach pain…which added to the stress.  We had a bunch of tests run that came back normal.  We did some stress reduction.  We had Mike & out neighbor, Scott, give her a blessing one morning because she couldn't move because of the pain. After the blessing and sleeping an hour, she got up and went to school.  Along with her doctor, we decided to double up her acid reflux meds because we think all the ibuprofen from the past 6 months gave her a hole in the lining of her stomach…….full circle, right?  It's so hard to see your child in pain and not knowing what it is or how to fix it.  I'm happy to say that she's doing so much better! Even with the stress of tryouts, she's managing so much better.  It's amazing when you feel better what you can handle :)

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