Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pre-Powell Pedis

I have been meaning to take Sydney for a pedi for quite awhile, so we decided to get one the day before we left for Lake Powell. Every girl needs cute toes while she's having fun in the sun!
 We went to Centerville Wal-Mart to Da Vi Nails.  They are all Vietnamese pedi people.  The above picture is when she was watching the girls as they spoke to each other....not in English. I told her later, they are probably talking about how bad my feet were!

 Here we are while our toes dry under the UV light.  It was a fun date with Sydney and our toes look fabulous! We even have stylin' flowers on them. So cute!

Last Day of School!

This year, the kids were in school until June 7th!
It was a fun and event filled last week.  
On the final day of school, Sydney was at a party and Brandon went swimming with Harwoods (his 2nd family) and Mike got a text from Amanda asking if he would take her friends boating!
 So, he came home early and we took the kids to Willard....close, but lots of bugs at night.
 They mostly tubed...On Amanda's tube (left) there is Landon Adams and Tanner LeBaron. On Maddy's tube (right) there is Boston Jarman and Tristan Yocum.  Liz Wilson was along, but likes to sty in the boat.

 When it was time to start getting the boat off the lake, Amanda, Maddy and Tristan all wakeboarded.
 Landon also tried to wakeboard.
Afterward, we stopped in at McDonalds for dinner. Landon is a really tall kid.  He ended up eating like 3 meals! It was crazy! I'm not sure we'd be ready for Brandon's teen-age years!  These are funny kids and we enjoyed spending time with them on the last day of school!  Official 9th graders! Yikes!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Father's Day!!!

We are so lucky to have such a great Daddy and Hubby!

Sydney Ballet Recital 2013

Sydney is still a beautiful ballerina with Clytie Adams School of Ballet
 She and her great friend, Abigail, were chaperones this year.  
They chaperoned Abigail's sister, Lucy's group.
 This is how Brandon entertains himself during the ballet.  We left a bit early due to his restlessness and because the auditorium was really warm that night.
This is during dress rehearsal....
 Love her stillness

 Cute Sydney not wanting to pose for pictures before her final performance....

Here is Izzy, Sydney and Abigail after the performance!
 We decided to go to The Pie for dinner with the Orisons.  Below is Lucy, Sydney and Abby.
 And Brandon is posing in the Ogden Pie with a poster of his favorite group!
Sydney was going to stop taking ballet after this performance.  Then, we figured out that she will have THE Clytie Adams as her teacher next year.  Amanda was lucky to have Clytie as a teacher and we saw big improvement after that year. We talked Sydney into staying one more year. She's going to cut back on cheer and increase dance by Jazz and Hip Hop.  She's also going to ramp up her tumbling.  So many opportunities and so bless to be able to take advantage of them.  Great Job Sydney! We are proud of you!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

OCD Camera phone dump

Now I'm being borderline obsessive about getting the pictures all into iPhoto from my phone and blogged!  I have sent them all to email and loaded everything I can think of onto this blog post and have deleted the photos off my phone.  I'm sure I have some duplicates, but better safe than sorry.  
 Top is Brandon at the ENT on the day we had his tubes removed. We could see them as they were working their way out, but they were bothering him.  He just started funny! Bottom: he is getting a cavity filled by Dr Chris.  Brandon digs the nitrous!
 Sydney's literary review in 5th grade. She was Katniss and did a fantastic job!

 Last pictures of my car before we sold it.  We bought Jim & Renae's Tahoe from them when they left on their mission.  I loved this car! It was my graduation from college present from Mikey.  When we got it, we only had Amanda! sniff sniff
 Below: Jim & Renae on leave from the MTC.  Couples come home on the weekend during their stay in the MTC.  We went to a football game at the U with them. Here we are having dinner at Market Street!
 Below is Sydney's photo shoot for Cheer.  They loved her hair and decided to braid it after a few shots with the curls she had worn in.  It was really cool and she loved having all the stylists work on her!

 She's a beauty!
 Oh my, Sydney...what big eyes you have!  I find random 'wallpaper' on my phone of Sydney.
 Sydney's last cheer competition....

 Amanda's dance.  Above is a dress rehearsal.  Below is after the St George competition

 Below is the last night of the 'showcase'  an end of year recital.  It's so dark, but Keslee is on the left and Maddy on the right. The show was at Davis High School.

 Seriously....we went to church one afternoon and during Sacrament meeting Amanda pulled out a bag of Doritos and started eating them. She said it was her lunch....
 Cute Brandon!  So tired and still loves to sleep in our bed when he can...which is not often.
 This was a 2nd grade fieldtrip to the Living Traditions Festival downtown.  He learned how to Greek dance, play Bocce ball and dance with the Tahitians!

 Brandon's birthday sushi!  Happy 8th birthday, B!
 Brandon was sooo excited to start Scouts! He came home from school, changed, made me put on the patches that I had, called his friend to ride bikes to the church and took off!

 Sydney was bugging him......
 From a long long time ago after the 'big storm' helping to clean up in East Kaysville. Afterward, we went to dinner...

When the boys had their boy's trip to Moab over Thanksgiving weekend, the girls played, too.  The girls wanted to shop Black Friday since they had never been. So, we got some hot cocoa and went to Target and waited outside in line!
It was fun. We saw a movie and ate at Johnny Rockets
 We went shopping at City Creek Center and ate at Blue Lemon...super great girl's weekend!!

 I started subbing at the elementary for part-time workers...this was my first day and it was so fun to see Brandon playing ball!  Fun to see Sydney during the day, too!
 In December, Mike & I went to Denver for their Christmas party at work.  We saw The Hobbit in this cool movie theater and then ate some awesome sushi! Yum!  It was a fun date trip!
 After the dance competition in St George, we met the Francis' on Mother's Day in Mesquite for their Sunday buffet.  Quite the experience! But, we love this family!
 And yesterday....Andrew...our first born nephew...the boy who made us an aunt and uncle got married!!!  He and Luci are the perfect couple and it was a great day! The Brigham City temple is beautiful!! Mike and I had a great time hanging out together and visiting with his family...and Kristine's family.  Best wishes to Andrew and Luci!
Now, the pictures are complete! I feel so much better. I can go to bed now.  Ciao!