It's has been a busy every day, we are busy with kid activities, work, piano and soccer, soccer, soccer. Both Brandon and Amanda are playing indoor soccer, so this is our view twice a week....sometimes 3 times!
Both kids have scored goals and both kids have had a blast! Brandon is finally running on the leg he broke without limping. Soccer has helped with that, for sure. It has been COLD! Coldest January on record since 1990. We have seen a lot of ice! Our back patio was an ice rink. Poor Max would slip and slide even on those 4 feet! Mike rigged a hair dryer to thaw our rain gutter....quite the contraption!

Then, the stomach flu and influenza hit our house.....Brandon and Sydney were sick the same day. Then, I got it. Max even threw up once. Mike came down with influenza and Amanda did, too. Mike & Amanda would rest on the weekends and then right back to work, school, dance and soccer as soon as the week started again. They are hard workers and very responsible, but I wish they would have rested more. And then the snow came! And it didn't stop snowing! Soccer and dance were canceled on Thursday night. Mike even headed home from work earlier than usual. He left about 5:00p, but it took him 2 hours to get home. He stopped in Centerville and got some dinner because the traffic was so slow due to the storm. We are so glad he made it home safe. It snowed so much, Davis School District canceled school on Friday. Happy kids all throughout the neighborhood!

In our neighborhood, that means playtime! The plows don't come through here for at least a day or two after a huge snowstorm (what do we pay taxes for?), and so the sleds come out and kids are pulled around behind cars, 4-wheelers and even bikes!
I wasn't feeling 100%, but I couldn't let a snow day out of school go without a little fun. Amanda had Ally and Erynn over, so I told them to bundle up, find a rope and we'd go sledding! We rescued the boys trying to pull sleds behind bikes (also Amanda's age) and pulled them all through the snow-packed streets! The fun part was we were only one group of 5 doing this same thing throughout the neighborhood. The kids would pass each other and wave and scream hi to everyone around. It was quite fun.
We, as a Primary presidency, also put on our first 8 is Great program. This is the first program I have attended ever! We never made it when the girls were invited. Mike was sick, but Brandon hung out with me. We had it in the Relief Society room and while I was setting up chairs, Brandon wrote, 'It's Great to be 8!" on the chalkboard. So cute! And give my fellow presidency members credit, they left it up the whole meeting. After hearing about the Scouting program, Brandon asked when he could start going to Scouts. He's so excited! It's so hard to believe our baby is being baptized this year. Where has the time gone! Mike and I were texting today saying we hate how they are growing up, but we love the people they are becoming. We are truly blessed to have such great kiddos!
I have been working at the school way too much lately. I'm subbing, but it's almost a full-time job! They are always needing subs. It's fun to see the kids during the day, but it does take a lot from my day. So far, I have been able to keep up with things at the house and still get dinner done. It wouldn't be a big deal the amount of hours I'm working during the day, if I didn't come home from the school and work 3 or 4 more hours teaching piano. I am grateful for the opportunities however and grateful that I don't have to be the breadwinner. So grateful for a husband who takes care of us!
Speaking of him, he's in Denver this week. Our high temp today was 10 degrees. Denver is at 68 degrees! What? The warmth and the sun will be good for Mike, if he gets to get outside. He is in planning meetings with the owners and they can be pretty intense....