Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Happy Thanksgiving! I love this time of year. I love reflecting on my many blessings of the past year.  I have a friend who was emailing a few of us each day with things we were grateful for. It was inspiring to read each woman's grateful thoughts.

One woman was so grateful that her husband had just moved them to a safer rental house, off the busy street where their last house was and that she had a dishwasher this time. I have been so fortunate that Mike & I have always had safe places to live and have always been off busy streets in nice neighborhoods.

I did think deeper after reading her story, because we are all grateful for the same basic, food, clothing, our family, but the reasons we are grateful became more than a quick thought.  As our community and our stake lost a family man through a car accident on a snowy road, the reasons we were so grateful for our families, for our husbands that work so hard to make us happy, became so heartfelt.  I hugged our kids tighter, appreciated my husband more and humbly thanked my Heavenly Father for the blessings I enjoy.

 Don't you just love this kid?  We had Thanksgiving dinner with Jim & Renae and Scott & Kellie's family.  It was the smallest gathering we have had ever, but it was really nice! We enjoyed the calmness of the day (minus the broken glasses-sorry Renae!) and the kids played outside most of the day.  We talked and talked and talked and enjoyed each other's company.
That evening, our family headed to St. George.  It was a nice relaxing weekend, minus the Utes losing their game!  My parents had gone to Bud & Kay's for Thanksgiving, so we visited with them one evening.  Wasn't long before Uncle Bud was teaching the kids rope tricks and playing with their new 'tablet' finding constellations and playing around with google earth!  So much fun! We love them and don't see them near enough. They had gone to Mesquite that day and looked at houses.  My Dad was ready to move, but Mom is saying no.

The kids and I saw a movie while Mike watched the terrible Utah game.  We went to Mesquite for dinner at the seafood buffet.  Quite a relaxing weekend....

Now, I am updated! That took awhile!  Today, I was supposed to go Christmas shopping with Renae, but we are experiencing high winds....and when I say high winds, it's like hurricane scary winds. Mike made it to work ok, and when I tried to go to Salt Lake to meet Renae, I turned around in Centerville because it was the scariest drive I have ever taken!  I have driven in some pretty scary snowstorms, etc, but this was so bad I was crying and praying out loud to make it back home without injury.  I had a tree branch hit my car antenna, almost ran into a power line and felt the pressure change in my ears as I drove along.  I saw about 10 semi-trucks rolled over and there is a restriction for semis that they can't drive until 6pm tonight.  I don't know what they are doing at Mike's work today.  I'm sure they can't move anyone.  Out on the freeway looks like a tornado ripped through. Both Mike & I said we've never seen wind so bad.

So, that gave me the chance to finish blogging and finish putting up Christmas decorations. I'm getting updates via text from Amanda each time she's out of class.  I drove Sydney & Brandon to school today because they didn't want to ride in the 'high-profile' bus. No problem. That is the blessing of being a stay-at-home Mom.  I'm here to make sure our kids feel safe and take care of business at home. Our home is fine, too. I just had to pick up a garbage can and catch the bbq cover.  Thank Heaven!

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