Our last boating day at Lake Powell we decided to explore Navajo Canyon. We had only been up a bit of it, but Mike had met a guy in the parking lot of our hotel who told him about an awesome waterfall at the end of this canyon. We decided to be adventurous, talked my family into it and were on our way! The water got pretty shallow near the end and Mike & Roger ended up walking the boats into where we could 'park'. My parents and Mike's Mom stayed behind to mind the boats.
This is Roger and Garrett hiking along the river. Papa Arveseth and our girls took off at a great pace. Grandpa was really impressed with how well they hike and even said that he would take them backpacking because they were so awesome!
I don't have pictures of the muck, but Cozette does, so I'll have to get them from her. Cozette, Elyse, Brandon, Roger, Garrett and I were the group bringing up the rear. Kate, Mike and Julia were somewhere in between. We encountered the grossest mud I have ever seen. We had about 100 yards to climb through. We were losing shoes, it was STINKY and soon Elyse and Brandon were crying and wanting to go back. I tried getting Brandon on my back and we both fell over into the yucky mucky. It's so funny now, but it wasn't so great then. Mike heard the kids crying and came back to help us out. We saw small fish and frogs in the stream. Kate even caught a frog!
We ran into Mike's friend and his family about the time we were ready to turn around. This hike ended up to be around 3 miles round trip. They said to keep going, it was worth it. Some of our people had ditched their shoes and did the rest of the hike barefoot!
By the time we reached the waterfall, Jim and the girls had been there an hour. Mike and the others were only a few minutes ahead of us. This is what we first saw, but it got even better!
The water had eroded this rock and it made small pools, then the pool would become another waterfall and cascade into another small pool! There were probably 50+ of these pools!

The kids found they could slide on the rocks and had a grand time!
Above is a view from above one cascading pool....
Brandon LOVED the slide!
We figured 95% of people who visited Powell would never hike so far to see this beauty! We were proud of everyone for enduring to the end! The hike back was by far easier. Even the muck was easier. Garrett is only 3.75 and he enjoyed the journey, stopping many times. Finally, when the water got deep enough again, Roger put Garrett in his life jacket and 'dragged' him behind as he walked the rest of the way to the boats. Funniest sight ever and so clever! Rog said he wished he could have done that the whole way! Cozette and I both said we felt really good on the hike until we could see the boats, and then we hit a wall! It was so strange! Luckily, Mikey was wading out to meet us with cold water and gatorades!

After being gone about 3 hours, everyone was hungry! We decided to head back to Antelope Point marina for dinner. Everyone was hot, cranky and hungry. But, spending time at that marina soon gets you in a good mood. This Brandon after falling asleep on the way there. That boy can sleep in any position on the boat!

When we were done at Antelope Point, we tried to get a ski in. Sydney tried to wakeboard and was almost up! Julia tried to ski, but didn't quite get up. Amanda wake boarded and looked great! By the time we got to the ramp to take the boats out, it was dark.
My Dad's boat broke again! He was loading it on the trailer, had to back up and then the cable broke and it wouldn't go forward-it just stayed in reverse! He hit the dock and hit it hard! Mike's Dad had a struggle getting our boat on the trailer and ended up doing the same thing I had done last summer and tore off one of the runners on our trailer. Good times....
But, Mike was prepared with all the tools to fix it, we had a long distance flood light in the boat that Amanda kept on the trailer and they got it fixed. I pulled the boat on the trailer and Mike told his Dad, 'See Dad, that's how it's done....' I thought that would make his Dad feel bad and I had major empathy for him since I have done the same thing, but it also made me feel good that Mikey was proud of me.
Elyse's day revolved around having a s'mores party that night. So, once the boats were loaded and cleaned up, we went to the Gibson camp spots and roasted marshmellows and hung out. Our parents had gone to high school together, so they reminisced and we all watched the stars. I got a little sick...I'm sure it was heat stroke or some of the muck I must have eaten when I fell in it earlier.....I was glad that it was minor, so that we could hang out as long as possible.
It made a great end to the day! Great party, Elyse!!
We were so sad to leave Powell the next day.
My Mom came home with us...well, Jim and Renae had she and Sydney in their car. My Dad had to travel to Moab for Bishop duties with the Young Men. We met up in Kanab and had breakfast at a local joint. It was really yummy. Jim wanted to take a different route home to see which was faster, and we still beat him going our same way....by about 1/2 hour.
But, now we know :)
We had some struggles on this trip, but loved every minute!!! We would go again tomorrow! We are so glad the grandparents and Roger, Cozette and their kids were with us! Love you all!
Wow! That hike looks seriously awesome!! What amazing little pools and waterfalls and rock creations! Just beautiful!
What a great trip! Those pics of Brandon are hilarious! You are such good sports. All of you. xo
I'm glad you took some awesome pictures so we could enjoy the adventure, too. Great trip.
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