Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cabin - 4 wheeling

So, here come the 4 wheelers! You could drive them in a loop around the cabin. There were dirt roads off the property and many little trails. The kids LOVED them!
Here's Sydney's courageous/no fear moment. So, she tried the 4 wheeler. But, she didn't like it because it was scary. I love her body language here.
She jumped off and refused to ride one again unless she was a passenger with her Dad.
We found out later, when Mike & I were on a ride (yes, even in my compromised situation, I got on the 4 wheeler! It had awesome cushy seats and so we had a blast!), she got back on one of the little 4 wheelers! We were so proud of her! She thinks she lost control down the little hill, but she didn't hit anything and did a great job!
Also, this day, we saw a moose walk right through the property! It was awesome! Mike climbed up the neighbor's deck and was within feet of it (and yet still a safe distance away).
Amanda and her cousins were everywhere on these things! She LOVED it! The rule is an adult has to be with the kids when they leave the property. So, Scott took them out for awhile. Amanda got stuck at one point, hopped off the 4 wheeler and push it, it rolled back onto her leg and she got a 2nd degree burn! Scott put her on his 4 wheeler, they left hers and rushed her back to the cabin.
After getting a good look at it, Mike & I decided to take her into an Instacare to have it checked out. I guess in Heber there is only a regional center and so we ended up at the ER. The doc told us what he thought and gave us some supplies. One of the best moments on the way to the ER, Amanda started bawling! We thought she was in a ton of pain, but it was really because her soccer season starts in 2 days and she knew she wouldn't be able to play! We told her to relax until we talk to the doctor. He cleared her if she feels up to it. She didn't play Monday, but her team is in a tourney that starts today and she's going to play some limited minutes. I was so proud of her for not wanting to miss school. She's had some long days, but has done really well. Her courageous/no fear moment is that she endured this injury! She got back on the zip line and wanted to ride the 4 wheelers again (it was too late when we got back). She's a trooper!
Here's more kids ready to ride! Emily with Eliza driving. Zac and Taylor in the background.
Grandpa kicking up some dust!
Mikey getting his ride on!
Doug and one of his boys
Kellie and Sami (I think)
Cath and Eliza
Mike with Brandon and Sydney
Off they go!
Don't they look like ducks in a row?
I loved sitting outside this day. It was a perfect temperature and I love to be in the mountains. There is something about being there that helps me to reconnect with nature and my Heavenly Father. I remember to be grateful for my life and my family.
That was my best moment of the weekend!


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

OUCH!!!! My girls told me about Amanda's burn but it's a whole other thing to actually see it! Poor thing! And what a trouper!

Jill said...

She's been pretty tough through the whole ordeal...