One of the highlights of the weekend was this zip line! The kids were crazy for it!
I was a little worried that it would end up being like a swing....where the parent spends hours pushing their little one....I thought the adults would end up dragging kids up the zip line, letting them fly, and then dragging them up again.
Amazingly, this did not happen! The kids were all sooo good about taking turns riding and pulling each other up. We have such good kids!
Zac and his friend, Taylor were great 'ride operators' I love the line forming to the left!
Going up!
Sydney is ready to fly!
Here is Emily. The girl is an adrenaline junky and I never got a good shot of her face! She was always flying!
Amanda's turn
So, at first we couldn't get Brandon on the zip line. Then, when the other kids went 4 wheeling, he and Sydney were in the back checking out the line again. Pretty soon, he wanted to try it and then we couldn't get him to stop!
He and Sydney took turns riding until Mike came out to take them on the 4 wheelers. On Sunday for 'church' we watched/listened to Music and the Spoken word. The theme was Courage. Don't let fear stop you from trying.
As we rode home we talked to the kids about the things we saw them do that were courageous this weekend.
For Brandon, we talked about the zip line. How he was so scared to try, but then he did try and found out he loved it!
Maddie & Ali

Next adventure? Four wheelers!
My in-laws have a zip line. They often string it between a big tree and the big, metal swing set when the grandkids come over. They've brought it to family reunions and to our big campout last summer. Fun, fun.
Who knew it could be so much fun!
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