(these feet are badly in need of a pedi!)
In my mind, this week was going to go a lot differently. The first week the kids were in school....all day...no running home by noon to catch a kindergartner coming off the bus, no rushing out the door to get errands done.
I was ready to put a new schedule into play. One that involved cleaning up this house after 3 months of summer fun. Mowing the lawn. Getting exercise in first thing. Walking the dog. Lunch with my honey. Lunch with friends. A light piano lesson load, so more time with my kids after school.
Something, anything other than what I have been doing!
Because of my last procedure and my subsequent gimping around, my knees are both swollen up to the size of cantaloupes!
I have spent time 'resting' and 'icing' and 'heating' and using crutches and gimping around the house for a different reason. I have taken all my 'major' painkillers and am down to relying on good old ibuprofen every four hours.
My chores have taken on a deadline of one a day, instead of all of them in one day.
I've gotten a few things done...laundry, ironing (possible because you stand in one spot!), clean one bathroom per day, one time I vacuumed.
I have been able to drive carpools. Once I get down the garage stairs and hoist myself into my Tahoe, then it's a go!
I decided to skip Amanda's back to school night at the jr high because there are stairs and I couldn't navigate them in the allotted time.
(Mike has had evening business commitments this week, so he couldn't fill in)
I went visiting teaching, sort of. We just dropped off a treat for Heidi's birthday. I wouldn't have been able to sit down to talk without hysterical laughing by my peers at my imitation of an 80 year old woman.
Just try to stand without using your knees....try it! This is especially hard getting off the toilet!
I was getting pretty discouraged when at the doctor this Tuesday, I was informed I have about 2 to 3 weeks left of healing and then he couldn't (or wouldn't) help my knees.
But, a quick hug from Heidi, many, many texts from my girls Nicole and Elise, phone calls from Nat, my Mom and Renae, and super kids that are willing to 'walk' an extra mile to put things away for me or get things from the other room and I'm starting to feel better.
Then, I read a post that I found randomly by a guy who had been in a car accident that killed his wife and baby son. His 6 year old son survived, but this man lost a leg, his shoulders were severed, along with many more awful injuries. I read how he laid in the hospital for 5 MONTHS, feeling despair and wanting to get up, walk and recover and he couldn't.
I know that my rehab time period is longer than I wanted it to be, but I will be fully functioning within a few more days and I have my loved ones near and dear.
It's all about perspective.
So, my big plans will be slower to come about over the next 2 weeks, but if you want to know about ANY show on television, give me a call! I've watched them all.....