We've had one of those weeks. We haven't had one in awhile. Sick kids. It started on Monday with Sydney. Not sure what is wrong...just a headache and tummy ache. Amanda said she felt a sore throat coming on, but went to school. Took dinner to our friends, Lindsay and Al who just lost their baby at 20 weeks-stillborn.
Tragic. Emotional.
By Monday night, Amanda's throat was severe. Kept her home on Tuesday and went to the doctor. Strep. Wednesday, Sydney and Amanda stay home. I have a hard time getting Brandon to school because he wants to hang with 'the sisters' (I think it's so cute that he refers to them this way) Amanda begs to go to school, but hasn't been on the meds for 24 hours yet, so Mike & I tell her she must stay home. Tears.
I love having the kids home. Don't love having them sick. Who does? But, there is something to be said about a routine. And there is no routine when we have sick kids.
This morning, Sydney not wanting to go to school, but does. Amanda wanting to go to school and does. We'll see how B does going to school this afternoon.
Finally, I can get a little order back into my week. So, this is what I'll be doing this afternoon (after the visiting teachers leave)....

Maybe it would be more fun to have the kids home.....
So sorry! What a bad week. Hope things look better for this weekend.
Kate is sick too - on her bday. She was complaining of a sore throat and now sounds like she has a cold. I didn't take her in because when I went in with my sore throat it was viral. Maybe if it ever stops snowing we can all get better.
I think that you would enjoy ironing more if you wore a skirt and apron like that!
So sorry about the sick kids - I'm glad they are all feeling better. Brandon is a sweetheart.
We had sick kids this weekend too, and the only good part about it is that they'll actually sit still and let you cuddle them.
Oh ya, Makell...I should try the skirt and apron! Sexy!
Oh Jill! That stinks!!! So sorry! I hope everyone is doing better. I feel your pain. The boys have been throwing up since Tuesday. I'm tired of survival mode. Blah.
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