Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bees and the old people

As I wrote that title, Amanda gave me a look like I'm crazy. Ha, ha....anyway, we took the Beehives to an assisted living center last week. One of the families in our ward owns this facility. It's really nice, like a big house. Anyway, the girls did their own little program..singing and playing the piano. They did quite well and I think the residents enjoyed it. It reminded me of the rest home we visited when I was in Young Womens. The residents of that facility were pretty bad off. Most would come to Sacrament mtg in wheelchairs or rolling beds. It smelled funny and it was quite uncomfortable.

But, I am so glad for that experience! It taught me about getting and being older. Each one of those people had a story. Their story wasn't that they are now in a rest home and can hardly function. They had wonderful and successful lives.

When I talked with the girls about mingling with the folks, they went and they did so great! They introduced themselves and found out about their new friends. I sat and talked to a woman who grew up in New Mexico and there weren't any temples close. She was thrilled that there will now be a temple in New Mexico close to where she lived. She graduated from BYU and told me that she could tell I had graduated from college by the way I spoke. (I did tell her proudly it was from the U!) We talked about her granddaughter that was graduating from BYU this month. She was so proud. I know she would have talked to me for hours, as would any of the residents. I felt bad when we had to leave. But what a great thing being able to step out of our comfort zone and our own lives and reach out to those who have experienced so much more than we.
After, we met the Lucas' in the front yard of the center to celebrate our new Bee to the Swarm! Paige came to the activity even though it was her very birthday! So, her parents brought everyone cute flower cupcakes and we sang right there in the cold! Paige is the gal in the pink with the candle. I am really grateful for this calling. I really am enjoying being with these cute girls! I just love them and think about their futures. I wonder if they will still contact me when they are grown as my other Beehives from previous wards still do. YW is an inspired program and I hope I am living up to what my Heavenly Father expects me to be to these girls.
I also hope that I get to stay in for awhile when Amanda comes in this October. I want to be able to experience these things with her. She really wants to be in right now. She wants to come to camp this summer (the cutoff is Aug 31). I have only been in a short while, but the current president was in almost a year before I was called. We'll just cross our fingers!

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