Friday, April 16, 2010

Amanda's state fair!

Amanda's state was Tennesse! This was their program which was darling. It included Miley Cyrus' song, "Party in the USA" Amanda's part was "Groovy Baby!"

Here is Amanda's quadarama (I'm sure I didn't get that word right). She had to design this 3-D model explaining her state (which was Tennessee). She was very creative! Amanda's teacher, Mrs. Duke and the other 5th grade teachers made this really fun. It was a great State Fair!
Amanda's first soccer game was the week before spring break. It was sooooo cold! I had Sydney & Brandon stay home so I wouldn't have to hear the whine about how cold they were. Smart move. I was freezing and wanted to whine to someone!!! Mike was out of town, so he promised her for every goal she made, he would pay her $20! Enough motivation for her....she made two!
I love the contrast of this picture. Our cute girl in her soccer gear wearing her ballet Nutcracker jacket!
Sydney's little creation from school.....she was the photog

Max's first haircut. Boy....does he shed! (I don't know what those funny white marks are on his face...might have been taken through the window).

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