Cute Bubba
Abby O and Sydney
We took the boat up to Echo on Monday with Steven & Hillary, their girls and Sydney's friend, Abby Orison. Grandpa joined us at about 5pm and Mikey made it up closer to 6pm. The water was great and the kids spent a ton of time tubing....our favorite kid pasttime.
Cute Hillary is preggers and was a trooper taking a ride on the boat. Here she is with cute little Emma.
Kids taking a float on the tube...can you tell that Abby O and Amanda bug each other?
On the way home, he was in so much pain he had the chills. He had leftover painkillers from his kidney stone and took one of didn't help! It was awful! It was a long night with no sleeping. He went to work the next morning, but about 2 hours after getting there he drove himself to the instacare. He couldn't walk. The docs told him that it was good he came in as they needed to burn a hole in his nail so that it could drain. After that, things improved a bit. Did I mention how horrible I felt?
Grandpa kneeboarding and doing 360's
Grandpa skiing - you rock, Papa!
Amanda trying to do a 360 on the kneeboard...she was sooooo close!

We got little Abi on the flat tube and she did great! That is until Steven dumped them off.....Welcome to the club, Stevie! I just did that to my 4 year old! Abi recovered quickly and hoped back on that tube as fast as she could!
When we picked up Grandpa, everyone needed a break from tubing. He took us to the rocks and was trying to convice the kids to jump off the rock, but couldn't get any takers. He thought we were boring!
After we picked up Mikey and convinced Steve to get back on the boat (since Hillary was going home), we found Mike's cousins, Jim & Tracy Buys. They were teasing Jim about knowing how to drive the boat. He started to tease back. We had the storage door open looking at the water and bilging it out. I thought we might have to grab the boat from hitting the Buys' boat and decided to shut the storage door with my foot. BUT, I didn't know Mike's foot was in the way and I clobbered him! His toenail went black and blue in 30 seconds. It was horrible! I was so proud of him for not swearing or anything! I felt terrible! But, he stayed for the evening.
Ok, back to the boating. Steven skied, Jim kneeboarded and skied, Amanda kneeboarded and wanted to wakeboard, but we ran out of time. Sydney kneeboarded for the first time since she fell off a couple years ago and didn't let go of the rope (important detail her parents forgot to tell her).
Sydney getting instruction from Uncle Steve
and she's up!! Way to go, Sydney!
Looks like a blast! Well, minus the hurt toe part. :)
Good times, we're ready to go up again when you are! Thanks for giving Steve a flag while he was hanging out there in the water too :)
Mike's toe looks so painful just from the pictures! Those little appendages can be killers when they are jammed or swollen.... I'm impressed he didn't say any choice words, either!
That is awesome that 1: Amanda is knee boarding, 2: that Grandpa is! I hope I can still do that when I'm his age :)
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