My little family on the hike!
Amanda at Mary's Lake. She made this shirt in Activity Days and couldn't wait to wear it for the 4th! She did a great job! It looks really professional!
This is a viewpoint about half way up. It's beautiful and there is a waterfall just beyond the rocks. 
Amanda and Eliza (below)
Seems like the 4th just sneaked up on us! We decided to go to the breakfast up at Brighton Ski Resort again this year...and take a hike later. We were glad that the rest of Mike's family thought it was a good idea and came along! We missed Cath who was home with the new twins, Gordy and Spencer...and Kellie who was getting a break and the Perry Arveseth's!
Stevie, Amanda, Ali in pack (Doug doesn't have a 'fro), Doug & Sami, Abi in backgound
Cute B
Throwing rocks
The kids did GREAT on the hike! Doug was there with Eliza, Ali & Sami.
He was 'self-contained' but Jim, Mike & Steve helped him get all 3 safely to Mary's Lake. 
Grandpa helping Sami hike
Sydney started having a meltdown at breakfast about 'not feeling well' and 'not wanting to hike' but this kid...once she decides she going to do something, watch out! She was the first one to the lake and the first one down the mountain! We were so proud of her!
We were also proud of Amanda and Brandon for hiking and not complaining! They enjoyed the journey and were excited when we reached the lake. Amanda and Sydney were cute with Abi, holding her hand and talking with her about hiking the mountain.
Mike & his Dad, Jim at the lake
Brandon, now ready to go home....
Those are really cute pics! I am so glad your girls were there to encourage Abi along the way. Steve said that her hiking with Syd really made a big difference to Abi. Also, thanks for sending me those pics since I couldn't come along for the hike!
is this up Big Cottonwood canyon? That's a great idea for a holiday weekend..
Looks like lots of fun! When I was younger my parents would take us up hiking to Mary's lake. Totally forgot all about it until reading your post! Maybe I should take my kids up there sometime...such a pretty place!
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