The Hollingsworth's invited us over for a bbq and fireworks for the 4th. We had great food, played some cards, did the waterslide and enjoyed a bunch of fireworks! Mike had some 'local' fireworks...and he discovered these great 'flowers' that also exploded. We couldn't believe they were legal fireworks and are soooo going to get more for the 24th!
The Nimer's came over and Michelle is known as the sparkler lady. She kept the kids supplied and happy.
Jake Hollingworth kept us entertained with his 'fun' fireworks that he got in Montana or Wyoming, I can't remember.....but otherwise known as not legal in Utah. Mike also enjoyed that Jake was old enough to light everything on his own and Mike could just sit and enjoy the show!
Ruby Jane & Brandon barely holding on! Ruby & Brandon were born a month apart and are the cutest things!
Other neighbors also obtained fun fireworks, so we had quite a show of firework splendor!
Very fun 4th of July!
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