Monday, July 13, 2009

Friends and more....

No pictures...just journaling in this post. Last week, Mike went with the young men to Flaming Gorge. He had a great time because they stayed in a nice spot at the Gorge. Most of the time, we stay on a beach where the haters come and find Mike. It's funny, but they always find Mike and cause some trouble to the point where it hasn't been fun for us to go there. But, he loved this spot and he even caught a fish! My family is always getting skunked!

So, the kids and I stayed busy while he was gone:

Thursday, I went to lunch with my RS girls. I miss these gals as we haven't done lunch in awhile. It was fun to catch up and hear about Sharon's boy who is now on his mission! (btw, it's so nice to have a daughter old enough to tend! Thanks, Amanda!)

Emily Harwood invited us to swim at her parent's house. They have a gorgeous pool, yard, house, pool house...and it was very fun to hang with them all day! Our kids enjoy hanging out together, too. Nicole Francis & her kids and Lindsay Brown & her whole family were there for a bit. When we decided to go home, Emily & I decided to grab some McD's on the way home and hung out at her backyard a little while longer. The kids had a great time! Thanks, Em!

Friday, I took the kids to see Hannah Montana movie at the Kaysville theater. This was the first time we've been to the theater. It's tiny, but cheap and it was really fun! We even ran into some neighbors! It's a cute movie and even Brandon liked parts of it.

It was also temple night for the ward. Emily and I were maybe going to go and signed up to bring food to the after-party. Then, being tired won out and we just took the food over and visited with some more neighbors. Then, I went to see a movie with Holly (Hollingsworth) since her hubby was out of town on a scout trip! We laughed and laughed! It was a fun night! (Again, Amanda made it all possible!)

Saturday, I got to see one of our closest friends, Daneise, who moved away about 6 or so years ago and is now in North Carolina. I met her and Cherri Woodland at Z'Tejas at the Gateway. Daneise was in town for her grandma's funeral. I know how busy times like those can be, so it was awesome that she made time to see me and Cherri! We had some good food, and then sat at our table chatting for another 3 hours! Mike & I miss living near Brad & Daneise!!! We need to do a vacation with them asap!

Amanda has started golf this week....and the kids have been selling snow cones and lemonade out front for a couple of days. Today, I was supermom and forgot to put sunscreen on them! Sydney, our pale girl, is fried! Amanda, our tan girl is fried! Luckily, Brando hung with me most of the day.

Tonight, we went to the Wilson's for a bbq and swim party. We had a great time and had some good food. The kids were doing great! Sydney was our little hero tonight.

Tomorrow night, Mike & I get to hang with some more friends, Damon & Christie, whom we reconnected with after our high school reunion last summer. And this weekend, I think we are going to bbq with our neighbors. I love in the summer how we get to hang out more. I feel like such a hermit in the winter.

Summer just continues to be fun and busy! Before we know it, school will be starting!
and can I just tell you that I love my family!

1 comment:

Do anything you can afford said...

I love your family, too. It was nice to get caught up on your activities. They all looked so fun. LOL MOM