Monday, July 13, 2009

Friends and more....

No pictures...just journaling in this post. Last week, Mike went with the young men to Flaming Gorge. He had a great time because they stayed in a nice spot at the Gorge. Most of the time, we stay on a beach where the haters come and find Mike. It's funny, but they always find Mike and cause some trouble to the point where it hasn't been fun for us to go there. But, he loved this spot and he even caught a fish! My family is always getting skunked!

So, the kids and I stayed busy while he was gone:

Thursday, I went to lunch with my RS girls. I miss these gals as we haven't done lunch in awhile. It was fun to catch up and hear about Sharon's boy who is now on his mission! (btw, it's so nice to have a daughter old enough to tend! Thanks, Amanda!)

Emily Harwood invited us to swim at her parent's house. They have a gorgeous pool, yard, house, pool house...and it was very fun to hang with them all day! Our kids enjoy hanging out together, too. Nicole Francis & her kids and Lindsay Brown & her whole family were there for a bit. When we decided to go home, Emily & I decided to grab some McD's on the way home and hung out at her backyard a little while longer. The kids had a great time! Thanks, Em!

Friday, I took the kids to see Hannah Montana movie at the Kaysville theater. This was the first time we've been to the theater. It's tiny, but cheap and it was really fun! We even ran into some neighbors! It's a cute movie and even Brandon liked parts of it.

It was also temple night for the ward. Emily and I were maybe going to go and signed up to bring food to the after-party. Then, being tired won out and we just took the food over and visited with some more neighbors. Then, I went to see a movie with Holly (Hollingsworth) since her hubby was out of town on a scout trip! We laughed and laughed! It was a fun night! (Again, Amanda made it all possible!)

Saturday, I got to see one of our closest friends, Daneise, who moved away about 6 or so years ago and is now in North Carolina. I met her and Cherri Woodland at Z'Tejas at the Gateway. Daneise was in town for her grandma's funeral. I know how busy times like those can be, so it was awesome that she made time to see me and Cherri! We had some good food, and then sat at our table chatting for another 3 hours! Mike & I miss living near Brad & Daneise!!! We need to do a vacation with them asap!

Amanda has started golf this week....and the kids have been selling snow cones and lemonade out front for a couple of days. Today, I was supermom and forgot to put sunscreen on them! Sydney, our pale girl, is fried! Amanda, our tan girl is fried! Luckily, Brando hung with me most of the day.

Tonight, we went to the Wilson's for a bbq and swim party. We had a great time and had some good food. The kids were doing great! Sydney was our little hero tonight.

Tomorrow night, Mike & I get to hang with some more friends, Damon & Christie, whom we reconnected with after our high school reunion last summer. And this weekend, I think we are going to bbq with our neighbors. I love in the summer how we get to hang out more. I feel like such a hermit in the winter.

Summer just continues to be fun and busy! Before we know it, school will be starting!
and can I just tell you that I love my family!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A little bit of Heaven

Amanda, Abi and Abby O in background
Cute Bubba

Abby O and Sydney We took the boat up to Echo on Monday with Steven & Hillary, their girls and Sydney's friend, Abby Orison. Grandpa joined us at about 5pm and Mikey made it up closer to 6pm. The water was great and the kids spent a ton of time tubing....our favorite kid pasttime.

Cute Hillary is preggers and was a trooper taking a ride on the boat. Here she is with cute little Emma.

We got little Abi on the flat tube and she did great! That is until Steven dumped them off.....Welcome to the club, Stevie! I just did that to my 4 year old! Abi recovered quickly and hoped back on that tube as fast as she could!

When we picked up Grandpa, everyone needed a break from tubing. He took us to the rocks and was trying to convice the kids to jump off the rock, but couldn't get any takers. He thought we were boring!
Kids taking a float on the tube...can you tell that Abby O and Amanda bug each other?

After we picked up Mikey and convinced Steve to get back on the boat (since Hillary was going home), we found Mike's cousins, Jim & Tracy Buys. They were teasing Jim about knowing how to drive the boat. He started to tease back. We had the storage door open looking at the water and bilging it out. I thought we might have to grab the boat from hitting the Buys' boat and decided to shut the storage door with my foot. BUT, I didn't know Mike's foot was in the way and I clobbered him! His toenail went black and blue in 30 seconds. It was horrible! I was so proud of him for not swearing or anything! I felt terrible! But, he stayed for the evening.

On the way home, he was in so much pain he had the chills. He had leftover painkillers from his kidney stone and took one of didn't help! It was awful! It was a long night with no sleeping. He went to work the next morning, but about 2 hours after getting there he drove himself to the instacare. He couldn't walk. The docs told him that it was good he came in as they needed to burn a hole in his nail so that it could drain. After that, things improved a bit. Did I mention how horrible I felt?
Grandpa kneeboarding and doing 360's
Grandpa skiing - you rock, Papa!

Ok, back to the boating. Steven skied, Jim kneeboarded and skied, Amanda kneeboarded and wanted to wakeboard, but we ran out of time. Sydney kneeboarded for the first time since she fell off a couple years ago and didn't let go of the rope (important detail her parents forgot to tell her).

Amanda trying to do a 360 on the kneeboard...she was sooooo close!

Sydney getting instruction from Uncle Steve

and she's up!! Way to go, Sydney!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love this boy!

We spent the afternoon swimming at Sarah Davis' pool (lucky us-she has young womens open swim every Wednesday) and it wore Brandon out! When he's tired, he likes to get in our bed, bring his blanket and toys (see the orange lightsaber) and watch Star Wars. So, he was all settled and asleep when I came in to work on the computer. About a half hour later, he woke up, saw a dog getting it's teeth brushed on the tv and broke into hysterics! He laughed straight for about 5 minutes, and then fell back asleep! What a life!

Food & Fireworks

The Hollingsworth's invited us over for a bbq and fireworks for the 4th. We had great food, played some cards, did the waterslide and enjoyed a bunch of fireworks! Mike had some 'local' fireworks...and he discovered these great 'flowers' that also exploded. We couldn't believe they were legal fireworks and are soooo going to get more for the 24th!

Amanda and Hanalee...Jake in the background

The Nimer's came over and Michelle is known as the sparkler lady. She kept the kids supplied and happy.

Jake Hollingworth kept us entertained with his 'fun' fireworks that he got in Montana or Wyoming, I can't remember.....but otherwise known as not legal in Utah. Mike also enjoyed that Jake was old enough to light everything on his own and Mike could just sit and enjoy the show!

Ruby Jane & Brandon barely holding on! Ruby & Brandon were born a month apart and are the cutest things!

Other neighbors also obtained fun fireworks, so we had quite a show of firework splendor!
Very fun 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Mary's Lake
My little family on the hike!

Amanda at Mary's Lake. She made this shirt in Activity Days and couldn't wait to wear it for the 4th! She did a great job! It looks really professional!
Amanda and Eliza (below)
Seems like the 4th just sneaked up on us! We decided to go to the breakfast up at Brighton Ski Resort again this year...and take a hike later. We were glad that the rest of Mike's family thought it was a good idea and came along! We missed Cath who was home with the new twins, Gordy and Spencer...and Kellie who was getting a break and the Perry Arveseth's!
The kids did GREAT on the hike! Doug was there with Eliza, Ali & Sami. He was 'self-contained' but Jim, Mike & Steve helped him get all 3 safely to Mary's Lake.
Grandpa helping Sami hike
Sydney started having a meltdown at breakfast about 'not feeling well' and 'not wanting to hike' but this kid...once she decides she going to do something, watch out! She was the first one to the lake and the first one down the mountain! We were so proud of her!
Stevie, Amanda, Ali in pack (Doug doesn't have a 'fro), Doug & Sami, Abi in backgound

Cute B
Throwing rocks
We were also proud of Amanda and Brandon for hiking and not complaining! They enjoyed the journey and were excited when we reached the lake. Amanda and Sydney were cute with Abi, holding her hand and talking with her about hiking the mountain.
This is a viewpoint about half way up. It's beautiful and there is a waterfall just beyond the rocks.

Mike & his Dad, Jim at the lake

Cute cousins...Eliza & Sydney
Abi & Steve
Brandon, now ready to go home....
Our family (plus Abi) before heading down the mountain

Sydney helping Abi hike down....such a great picture!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

B.O.O.T. Camp

Happy 4th of July! We are lying low before we head to our friend's house for a bbq, so I thought I would still try to catch up with June.
Anyway, our cute friend, Rachel Orison was the camp director. She was born to do this. Our theme was BOOT camp, which stands for Building Our Own Testimonies. The first day, we got there and divided the girls into Platoons. We were at Camp Piuta-past cell phone service....but, there were rustic cabins and flushing toliets. Also, a lodge that had a generator so we were able to have projects at night and cook up there.
So, after the Platoons were assembled, they came up with know, like "I don't know but I've been told...." The girls were really creative and had the cutest cadences. Then, we did 3 challenges which included, getting over a 12 ft wall, shooting with bb guns at 'bad' things' like immodest swimsuits, and beer (rootbeer can), etc. and then the mine field where I helped out. The Platoon had to lead a blindfolded member past the mines (hula-hoops) while Rachel, Holly & I tried to deceive them.

Holly in background, Rachel 'distracting'
We had former Miss Utah, Jill Stevens, come do a fireside for us that night. She was fantastic! She told the girls all about her experiences in the military and Miss America pagent and how standing up for her morals actually made people respect her instead of make fun of her in those situations.
The next day, we took the girls on a silent hike. Every 10 minutes, we would stop and one leader would talk about one of 5 things that helps you build your own testimony. Mine was the last stop and I talked about how I know Pres. Monson is a living prophet. It was a fantastically spiritual time. The leaders all wondered if the girls felt the Spirit like we were, and by the time we had our testimony meeting that night, all the girls bore their testimonies and said how much they loved the hike! Success!
Rachel put together an amazing video with members of our ward telling the girls one of the 5 things we talked about. It was very powerful and good for everyone to see people they know stating their simple testimonies. I was a mess by the end of this.....anyone that knows me knows that I cry at the drop of a hat!

The next morning, after the Bishopric prepared breakfast we had a USO talent show (USO meaning Unusual, Silly and Odd talents). The older girls did a Hannah Montana dance with creative costuming. The best part was that our Bishop was there with us! His daughter (in the plaid purple pants) was in the dance and said he would think it was funny. I'm not sure he thought it was funny, but he's a cool guy and didn't make a big deal of it. We all laughed so hard!
The whole experience was wonderful. The girls were so cute and there wasn't any drama. It was fun to get to know the other leaders better. We all had matching 'wiglets' one day. Wiglets are extra fake hair you clip on your head to look like you have more. The fun part was that we had hair that didn't match our own color and just walked out one morning. Some of the Bees didn't know if we were serious......I thought camp was the right balance of fun and spiritual!
Jim & Renae stayed with the kids since Mike needed to work (thank you again!). On the last day, we were going to go boating for R&R, but it was too cold. Mike was going to bring the boat up, but when it got cancelled, stayed home with the kids. It was fun to come home to my little family! I missed them, but I know they were in great hands and that it was important for me to be at camp.