Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Brandon says:

We are having a hard time getting Brandon potty trained. He was doing great with #1 for awhile, but now he's back to peeing his pants. So, when this happens, we take away his bike. The other day, he pee'd his pants when Dad was at work.

Mom: Ok, Brandon, I have to take away your bike until you pee in the potty again.

Brandon: But Mom, Dad will never know!

Honestly! Three years old and he's already trying to play his parents against each other!

btw: We are taking suggestions on potty training.....We've tried everything!


d.r. gib said...

I can't stop laughing, what a stinker! I wish I had some magical advice for you, but I have given you all I've got. Maybe you could tell him he can't get his driver's license until he is potty trained. It works with young men and their Eagle Scout.

Alisa said...

You know- I tried and tried and tried to potty train Gregory- and nothing worked! But you know what finally did? (And you'll like this answer!) Matt had to do it. He did it over a weekend and everything he did I had already tried. Greg was just tired of hearing about it from me- but once Dad started doing it, he was eager to please! I don't know. As frustrating as it is, it won't happen until THEY decide to do it! For whatever reason it is a stubborn stand that nearly every child takes! (To let us know who really is in control- in case we have any delusions that we are in charge!)