Thursday, November 20, 2008

Coming up for air!

So, our computer is sick with a virus that we got from cougar board, that it had to go to the hospital. I love my computer and spend a lot of time with it each day, writing to friends and family, managing our finances, organizing piano, downloading pictures and blogging!
I am not doing well without my dear computer and hope it's better soon. Mike did hook me up with a substitute so I could do some things, but I don't have all my old programs, etc. But, thanks to Mikey, I can e-mail a little, blog and surf the web. I have tried to download some pictures and I'm not sure where they are going!

Just an update on this week because it is BUSY! Monday night, I had my piano recital. It went great! My students did really well and it was fun and relaxed. I had 27 kids participate in this recital. Our girls played as we did some cramming to get them songs to play. My new goal is to teach them on a regular basis. It's like the hair dresser whose kids always need a haircut, or the cobbler whose kids never have shoes or the tax accountant who never gets his taxes in on time!
Tuesday started Nutcracker week. I went and chaperoned for the dress rehearsal. Let me tell you, it is quite the production! Amanda is having a BLAST! She is loving everything about it! Thanks to my friends who are stepping in and taking Brandon for us while we attend performances this week. Wednesday was also a dress rehearsal. I took Sydney up with me and we watched the first half. Sydney was a little bored, which surprised me. Maybe when she gets to see the second half tonight, she'll enjoy it more. This is the first time I have seen Amanda do her part and she was so cute! We are proud of you, Amanda! We are happy you are enjoy this so much!
Tonight is the first performance. She and two of her friends who are also in the show, wore their Nutcracker sweats to school today. We have the grandparents coming to see the show with us tonight. I have a couple of cute pictures of her in her make-up before she had her costume on, but I don't know how to download them without my program. I'll add them in at another time.
Amidst all this, we have also, shopped like crazy for recital favors, shopped for ward Christmas party stuff, shopped for Ward rivalry party stuff, done visiting teaching, had visiting teachers over, shopped with Grandma Arv for Christmas, shopped for Nutcracker presents (I guess the girls all give each other a little gift closing night), taught piano lessons, volunteered at the school, drove carpools, shopped for a potty-training prize race track, made cookies, done laundry and gone to lunch. I can't tell you how many times I have been to WalMart, Walgreens, Costco and Albertsons this week. I am kind of losing it at this point!
Today, I didn't have anywhere to go, but ended up at Albertsons again because Brandon who is doing much better at the potty training thing has discovered how to hold #2 until you are constipated and I needed to get some Miralax. Just waiting for that storm! Elise, I hope you don't get the brunt of that tonight! I'll never be able to pay you back enough!
So, don't miss me if you don't hear from me for a bit. Just know that I'm not fully wired! And I'm missing it!


Alisa said...

Oh, I hear you on the crazy busy stuff! I hope it calms down and you have time to breathe!

d.r. gib said...

At least you will be able to relax a little tonight while we watch some vampires

Makell said...

The Nutcracker was so much fun - it was great to be able to see Amanda perform. We're in next year, too!