Monday, August 25, 2008
I want to remember that we went to lunch with a bunch of our fun friends for Mikey's birthday a couple of weeks ago. We tried to gather all the August birthday friends and Mike's friends-Kerry & Reed (and their wives), but in the end...this was the crowd. Elise & Darin J., Emily & Scott H., Kerry & Makell W and us. We went to Market Street downtown (we love that place), but found it weirdly not busy, probably due to the insane amount of construction. We had a GREAT time! Good food and fun friends...thanks to all that made it a memorable birthday for Mikey!
We spent the next night (Sunday) at a neighborhood gathering at the Jarmans. We first drove to North Fork...the site of the upcoming ward check it out one more time. When we got home, we had Mikey's parents come to wish him Happy Birthday! So, we had an impromptu dinner with them before we ran to the neighbors. Thanks to Jim & Renae for doing the dishes....completely unnecessary, but absolutely appreciated. We had a great visit at the Jarmans and with the neighbors that only live on the next street, but because they are in the 'other ward' we hardly get to chat.
Now, Mike has arisen from his power nap and we are going to do FHE. I will continue to update at a later time! Ciao!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Happy, Happy Birthday Mikey dear
It says:
We went to church and both Mike & I had to substitute different Primary classes. He was in sharing time first, so I slyly talked to the Primary leader who was conducting before I went to class. When it came time for the birthday kids to get a song sung to them, they called up Mikey! He wasn't alone, however, our good friend, Casey, who is a Primary teacher has a birthday this week, also. I just wish I could have been there to see it. He said he was surprised!
So, we are going to let Mikey do what he enjoys doing on a day off....resting, watching the Olympics and I'm actually cooking dinner for his birthday!
Happy Birthday Babe! We love you so much! XOXOX
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Doesn't feel like 20 years!
Friday night was an Alumni Only night at the high school. It really felt like the first day of high school walking in the front doors....except that Mike was with me (I didn't know him on the first day of high school!). The only thing we had to do for this night was take a turn sitting at the check-in desk...which was fun because you got to talk to everyone coming in! It didn't take long and there were over one hundred people there. Everyone was talking and having a good time remembering the good ole days. The guys were hard to recognize because they had changed so much (balding, spare tire, filled out in the shoulders), but the girls looked fantastic! There were only about 3 of us that were chubby. Anyway, I was not excited about going to the reunion, but Mike really wanted to go. I was so surprised how much fun it was! We had a great time chatting with everyone and catching up on their lives for the past 20 years. Jeralyn Alvey from Mike's Butler ward had me take a picture of everyone that was there from their ward growing up. They had a great ward with A LOT of youth! I'm hoping to get that picture from her soon. When the current VPrincipal kicked us out of the building (because he wanted to go home), he told me that we had the biggest reunion that they've seen yet! Everyone just moved to the front sidewalks and chatted there. Some people went to a bar (open invite to everyone, but of course we passed), and we hear the last person left about 11:30pm (the party was supposed to end at 9pm). My parents were nice enough to have the kids at their house, so after picking them up and then waiting in traffic because of a crash, we got home around 1am.
Saturday, was the Alumni/Spouse or significant other night at the Country Club. We were in charge of the check-in desk (thanks to Kat & Cozette for helping with that!), the name tags, and the cd favor. It got kind of crazy checking 200+ people in as everyone was showing up on time! But, again, fun to be at the check-in desk to chat with everyone.
We took a class photo on the golf course...that was fun as we also had the class photo from 1988 there. Good times chatting with everyone again.
The Country Club ran out of food, but we had plenty of desserts thanks to Jami. (A few of us girls went to help her put together desserts on Friday morning). They were delicious and we had enough that we got to take some home! Our kids loved the little cupcakes.
Ok, back to the night. It was outside all night, which was fine except that it was 100 degrees and humid, so I wasn't in good shape for hugging people! That made me a little self-conscious, but then I had to get up and help with the program! I gave the stats of our class and then helped with the 'prizes' for things like: most marathons run, most kids, who had a kid that goes to Cottonwood. We then watched a video put together by Jodi C.'s brother and Matt Murdoch. It was a jaywalking type video where Heather H and Brad S. went to the school and asked current students things like: what do you think of when you hear Depeche Mode, or 1988 (the kid said Vietnam!), and would you go out with this person (pointing to Heather's picture-they said no way and that her hair was big!)
They also added the yearbook photos of classmates who have died-13...I hear that's a lot. Along with 'We will always be friends.' at the end of the show. Luckily, a lot of the 80's music we put on the cd, was also in the video...that was fun!
Back in Black from AC/DC was kind of a good theme from our class!
We finally left about 12:45/1:00am-ish. Mike's folks were nice enough to be at our house, so we felt like we needed to get home. We probably could have stayed and talked and helped clean up for another hour. The next day, the committee kept sending around e-mails saying how great it was and also that we were so sad it was over and we'll miss seeing each other and chatting. One gal said it best when she said she doesn't want to lose these connections again. Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch better. I'll see if Mike has anything he wants to add, but we just had a fabulous time and the reunion couldn't have gone any better!
Let's catch up! Gib family bbq
Mom and Garrett
We had a nice time! Grandpa ended up inside for most of the night because the noise level outside was too much! We missed D & Kat and kids, but we'll do it again before summer's gone! Love you guys!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Did ya like it?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Wanna play?
Memories, on the corner of my mind...
Here are the instructions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me/us a little or a lot; anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.