Sydney: Where's the doggy
Brandon: Behind the door
Sydney: What's he doin'?
Brandon: PLAYING FOOTBALL! (thank goodness!)
The greatest thing was that 98% of the people that came were totally decked out in 80's attire! Some women were in their prom dresses and we had many men in mullet wigs! We had a ice-breaker game, guess who you are (famous 80's person name on your back and you have to ask others in the room yes/no questions for clues). Then, broke up in 3 groups and rotated games between Family Fued, Pictionary and Finish the 80's lyrics. Mike and I did the lyrics game and had stayed up until 3am the night before downloading music and checking lyrics. We also put a mix tape together for the background music. All the games were played men against women and we were really impressed how many people knew all the lyrics to the songs we chose. We also had pictures of various people from their yearbooks on a poster in a collage. We didn't list the names and it was fun for people to guess who.'Thiller' guys, Brett H. John Mc. Darrin K. Brian H. Brandon W. and Justin (committee member)
The big highlight of the night was the lip sync. This was also the biggest stressor of the whole party. We asked a lot of people beforehand if they would put a lip sync together and got some big NO's from a lot of people. We understand it's not for everyone, but it was the way we were told no. Anyway, things all came together and we had 4 amazing groups (about 25 in all) perform and it was TOTALLY AWESOME! We even had some break-dancing from a girl in a prom dress! Our Bishopric performed, the YW leaders and a bunch of guys from the Elder's did 'Thriller' really, really well! I think that if we do this party again (we have had requests), that there would be many more participants next time.
Our Bishopric....Bro. Summers, Bishop Stuart and Bro McQuiston
(it wasn't really that flash was having issues)Young Women Leaders, Marcia F, Rachel O and Chris S.
Best dressed man..Richard F. Can you believe this guy is a rocket scientist? Hello, McFly!
Best dressed woman-Kim H
This is the gal that break-danced! The Davis'
We gave out awards for best dressed man/woman. Best hair and make-up, best lip sync (with all the lip sync'rs getting an award for participating-my 'You were 'Fanta-stic' goody bag...Fanta soda with neon jelly beans. We also handed out Nerds and Pop Rocks after all the games. One of our committee members owns vending machines and so he was able to get us jelly bracelets, and a lot of candy (that came out in the 80's). Brittney's (committee member) Mom had saved a bunch of stuff from the 80's and she brought He-Man lunch boxes, California Raisin lunchboxes, Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles and the van. We had Brute cologne and Aussie hairspray as some of the awards. We had TAB, record albums, rubik's cube, neon tablecloths, etc. I splash painted a backdrop for 'dance pictures' and we attempted a balloon arch. Well, Brittney, Nicole and I had a vision and had the guys do the arch. After their first attempt, we lived with the second attempt. At the end of the night, Casey & Mike popped all the balloons with a vengence. I think they liked doing that a little too much!
The Bishop and his wife!
It was a really fun night and we are glad it went so well. As always, we were really worn out afterward. I got sick right after dropping off the babysitter and couldn't get too far from the bathroom. We ended up ordering a pizza for dinner at 11pm because we realized we hadn't eaten since noon and were really, really hungry! That was fun because we don't order pizza much anymore.
We are having a great time in this calling!
The little kids got to go first. It didn't take Brando very long to figure this game out. He was so excited and quickly had his allotted number of eggs. Then, he and Aidan counted their loot.
Here's the big girls waiting their turn!
After-photos of the girls and their loot!
Thanks everyone for a fun afternoon!
Brandon getting in on the action.
Me talking to a student who needs a lot of reassurance......
Afterward, we had the gparents over for a late lunch...a linner or lupper, if you will. We had a fun time with them and enjoy listening to our Dad's make plans for their double apartment in our basement.
Like they are all going to move in and we are going to take care of them....ya, right!
Thanks, Mom and Dad for giving me lessons when I was young and making me stick with it, even though I didn't practice much. You gave me the skills to be able to teach and influence a lot of young lives with music.
Also, on a bragging note: Amanda took some Iowa tests at school and tested in the top 10% in the nation for reading. She is also reading at a 9th grade level...she's a 3rd grader! We are proud of you, Manda!