Saturday, February 10, 2007

Good, Bad & the Ugly

So, just in the past couple of hours, I have discovered a few good, bad & ugly moments. First, a gal I used to work with at Cellular One has made herself an amazing company that was just featured on a local program. I checked out her website, sent her a note, and also ordered some candy! I'm so happy for her and it's amazing to see what she's done since then. We worked together when she was pregnant with her first baby, Benjamin, and after she had him, she quit to stay home. Check out her website:

As long as we are talking about good things: I found another great website that is helping me to read my scriptures everyday! Check out Mike and I now have a scripture reading team, which just means we can check up on each other.

Next, bad news that our sister-in-law who is expecting has twins, however they are extremely early. She went to the hospital with flu symptoms and had a seizure, so they took the babies c-section. From what we hear, one baby is 3 pounds, the other 4 pounds. I know that my friend, Jamie's little Jordyn, was smaller than that and today is a vibrant, beautiful little girl. So, I feel like the babies will be just fine. I don't think they know why Cath had a seizure, yet. We'll be praying for their family. It's hard to have them so far away as they live back east.

The ugly moment of the day is that Mike and I are having a tiff today. My fault and it was over something little. However, I have just let it go on all day instead of ending it quickly like I usually do. I hate to be in a fight. Now, this gets a little too deep for a hang on. But, for some reason today, I have decided to do some soul searching and I know that I need to make some changes in my attitude. That's a hard thing to admit, but hopefully I will get past the 'little things' that hold me back (see my previous post regarding Sheri Dew's talk). Thank goodness I know that my hubby loves me and it's a good thing he thinks I'm cute.....

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

Your friend's website looks great and yummy!

Hope the babies hang in there. The NICU is a scary place.

Hard to admit or even see what part we play in the marital tiffs. But they make us stronger, right!
