It seems like it's been longer than a week since I've written in here. I guess with the recent Trolley Square shootings, time seems to drag! My heart aches for the victims. And, lots of memories of the shooting we had at my work came flooding back. There have been a lot of weird accidents resulting in deaths lately. A couple of families that had multiple members killed in car accidents, these shootings, etc. We are blessed that we are only touched by these because we have heard about them and aren't experiencing them. Whew! On to something fun....
A couple of my girlfriends, Elise & Nicole, and I took a weekend get-away! It originally started out as a trip to St. George and in the end with all the details worked out, we ended up downtown at Little America! Funny how that happens! Mike had to go to Denver last minute and got home just in time for me to drop the kids with him and go party with the girls! We went to the Dodo for dinner, one of my favorite places and stayed up talking and giggling late into the night! The next morning, after sleeping in until 10am! (It's been a long time since that's happened!) We ate the rest of our Tollhouse pie for breakfast and went to Draper to shop and have lunch. Nicole helped me get some decor for my sofa table at Interior Elements! Then we hit Citrus Grill for lunch. Delish! Next, on to Salt Lake Running Co. to get fitted for shoes and to buy the Oprah bra! I have been running on my treadmill a lot lately now that my plantar facitis is doing better, and I really needed some new shoes. Nicole then challenged Elise and me to do the Mountain Vistas Day 5K in June. Oh, we'll see. I like to run on the treadmill, not so much outside. This bra is the coolest thing going for well-endowed girls like myself! Nothing's moving! Yippee!
Then off to Nailed boutique to get a mani/pedi! This, unfortunately, is the only thing picture I took!
Bad blogger! Nicole loved this place so much, she left with 3 new pairs of shoes! They were very cute, but I am so limited by my bad feet that I don't get to wear much past my running shoes. Anyway! We had a great time and I just love these girls! My sisters!
When I got home, Mike and I took the kids up to Pepperbelly's for dinner. My hubby is amazing! I know it was hard for him to get off the plane and into a car with the kids and have me leave! But, he did it without complaining and even took the kids to a movie Saturday morning! He is a sweetheart and I'm so lucky he understands that sometimes the mommy needs a break, too. I always come home appreciating him and the kids so much more! And I can't tell you that last time I didn't get dragged out of bed by someone crying or needing food!
The only regret to me having my weekend away was that Sydney's tooth finally came out! She would not let us touch it at all....reminiscent of her ear piercing episode...a story for another day. But, when Mike had taken the kids to dinner on Friday night (after just getting home), Sydney's tooth fell out when she took a bite of her dinner! Yea! She looks so different and I'm sad that the baby teeth are going, but all four of the front ones are loose and I feel bad for her trying to eat!
(Those black marks on her face are valentine's day tattoos!)
1 comment:
Ohh, so fun. Girls days/nights out are SOOOOO rejuvinating!!! Hard to organize but so worth it!! Glad you could do it!
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