Here's a little flashback Friday. It's not that far back, other than the picture is from when Brando was a cute, chunky monkey! I just put him to bed and I just really love, love, love how he hugs me as I stand rocking him telling him how much I love him. He puts his little arm around my neck like he never wants to let go and I just melt. These are the moments of motherhood that I just cherish and never want to end. We have been so blessed to have Brandon in our family. He is the sweetest little man and hopefully will always be mama's boy.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Girls weekend & Sydney lost a tooth!
It seems like it's been longer than a week since I've written in here. I guess with the recent Trolley Square shootings, time seems to drag! My heart aches for the victims. And, lots of memories of the shooting we had at my work came flooding back. There have been a lot of weird accidents resulting in deaths lately. A couple of families that had multiple members killed in car accidents, these shootings, etc. We are blessed that we are only touched by these because we have heard about them and aren't experiencing them. Whew! On to something fun....
A couple of my girlfriends, Elise & Nicole, and I took a weekend get-away! It originally started out as a trip to St. George and in the end with all the details worked out, we ended up downtown at Little America! Funny how that happens! Mike had to go to Denver last minute and got home just in time for me to drop the kids with him and go party with the girls! We went to the Dodo for dinner, one of my favorite places and stayed up talking and giggling late into the night! The next morning, after sleeping in until 10am! (It's been a long time since that's happened!) We ate the rest of our Tollhouse pie for breakfast and went to Draper to shop and have lunch. Nicole helped me get some decor for my sofa table at Interior Elements! Then we hit Citrus Grill for lunch. Delish! Next, on to Salt Lake Running Co. to get fitted for shoes and to buy the Oprah bra! I have been running on my treadmill a lot lately now that my plantar facitis is doing better, and I really needed some new shoes. Nicole then challenged Elise and me to do the Mountain Vistas Day 5K in June. Oh, we'll see. I like to run on the treadmill, not so much outside. This bra is the coolest thing going for well-endowed girls like myself! Nothing's moving! Yippee!
Then off to Nailed boutique to get a mani/pedi! This, unfortunately, is the only thing picture I took!
Bad blogger! Nicole loved this place so much, she left with 3 new pairs of shoes! They were very cute, but I am so limited by my bad feet that I don't get to wear much past my running shoes. Anyway! We had a great time and I just love these girls! My sisters!
When I got home, Mike and I took the kids up to Pepperbelly's for dinner. My hubby is amazing! I know it was hard for him to get off the plane and into a car with the kids and have me leave! But, he did it without complaining and even took the kids to a movie Saturday morning! He is a sweetheart and I'm so lucky he understands that sometimes the mommy needs a break, too. I always come home appreciating him and the kids so much more! And I can't tell you that last time I didn't get dragged out of bed by someone crying or needing food!
The only regret to me having my weekend away was that Sydney's tooth finally came out! She would not let us touch it at all....reminiscent of her ear piercing episode...a story for another day. But, when Mike had taken the kids to dinner on Friday night (after just getting home), Sydney's tooth fell out when she took a bite of her dinner! Yea! She looks so different and I'm sad that the baby teeth are going, but all four of the front ones are loose and I feel bad for her trying to eat!
(Those black marks on her face are valentine's day tattoos!)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Romance for Married Couples
I just read this on a website and it's very fitting! Enjoy!
Married couples with children occasionally start to wonder about all this romance business. For example, a coworker approached my husband and asked, “Where are you and your wife going on your hot date this week?”“Well,” my husband answered, “we haven’t decided yet whether to go to Barney’s Food Basics or Stan’s Grocery.”
Becoming a parent has a way of making romance a little more difficult and complicated…but not impossible. After a few years of marriage and more than a few children, I’ve found that love has a way of showing its head at common but unexpected times.I used to love my husband for the way he looked in his basketball uniform. Now I love him the for the way he looks in his sweats after being up with a sick baby all night.
I used to love my husband’s strong muscles from lifting weights in the gym. But now I love his muscles best when they’re used for carrying laundry to the washing machine, Jordan to the roof for his sixty-seventh lost softball, and Jacob when he’s too tired to walk anymore at Disneyland.
I used to love my husband for taking me out to expensive restaurants. Now I love him for making us Postum and cinnamon toast to eat while we watch the ten o’clock news.
I used to admire the way my husband washed and polished his new car. Now I admire the way he washes our children at bath time and the way he always carefully polishes each apple with the kitchen towel for the Christmas stockings.
I used to admire my husband’s latest intellectual recital from his vast store of knowledge. But now I admire him most when he’s crawling on all fours and acting like a goon to get our baby to laugh, attentively listening to our preschoolers tell knock-knock jokes without punch lines, helping our teenagers with algebra, or reading bedtime stories on the loveseat.
I used to admire my husband’s courage to travel to exotic foreign lands. Now I admire his courage to stay home, get up every morning, and face the work world, only to come home to sticky kitchen chairs, a teenager with a learner’s permit, last-minute peanut-butter-and-jam dinners and after-dinner children who explode with “Daddy-do-this” energy.My husband spends his free time fixing flat bicycle tires, holes in the plasterboard directly opposite the doorknobs, leaking faucets, washing machines, hair driers, curling irons, squeaky doors, remote control cars, beheaded dolls, and runny noses. He takes time to build dollhouses, model airplanes, clubhouses, and our children’s memories.
I used to think the greatest show of romantic love was a passionate Hollywood kiss and embrace followed by an expression like, “Oh my darling, I cannot live another moment without you.” Now I feel the greatest expressions of love sound more like “Snuggle up and I’ll get your feet warm.” Or, “Don’t worry about the car, honey. We have insurance.” Or, “I’ll take care of the kids. Why don’t you get out and do whatever you want for the day.” Or, “Why, this casserole hardly tastes burned at all.”
Almost three decades ago, my husband and I knelt across a lace-covered altar and gazed into each other’s eyes, believing our love was complete. Now we gaze across a crumpled bed with bloodshot eyes at six in the morning while one child crawls across my stomach, another is perched on my husband’s nose, and one is ready for a jet landing on our shins. The others are spilling cereal and throwing oranges in the kitchen.
A famous unmarried author was once interviewed about her illustrious career. She was wealthy and had been internationally published, seemingly receiving every prestigious award. “I’d give it all up in a moment,” she said to the reporter, “to be able to sit next to the fire in the evenings with someone I love and someone who loves me.”And that, in spite of the constant chaos we call family life, is why marital romance just keeps getting better and better.
Married couples with children occasionally start to wonder about all this romance business. For example, a coworker approached my husband and asked, “Where are you and your wife going on your hot date this week?”“Well,” my husband answered, “we haven’t decided yet whether to go to Barney’s Food Basics or Stan’s Grocery.”
Becoming a parent has a way of making romance a little more difficult and complicated…but not impossible. After a few years of marriage and more than a few children, I’ve found that love has a way of showing its head at common but unexpected times.I used to love my husband for the way he looked in his basketball uniform. Now I love him the for the way he looks in his sweats after being up with a sick baby all night.
I used to love my husband’s strong muscles from lifting weights in the gym. But now I love his muscles best when they’re used for carrying laundry to the washing machine, Jordan to the roof for his sixty-seventh lost softball, and Jacob when he’s too tired to walk anymore at Disneyland.
I used to love my husband for taking me out to expensive restaurants. Now I love him for making us Postum and cinnamon toast to eat while we watch the ten o’clock news.
I used to admire the way my husband washed and polished his new car. Now I admire the way he washes our children at bath time and the way he always carefully polishes each apple with the kitchen towel for the Christmas stockings.
I used to admire my husband’s latest intellectual recital from his vast store of knowledge. But now I admire him most when he’s crawling on all fours and acting like a goon to get our baby to laugh, attentively listening to our preschoolers tell knock-knock jokes without punch lines, helping our teenagers with algebra, or reading bedtime stories on the loveseat.
I used to admire my husband’s courage to travel to exotic foreign lands. Now I admire his courage to stay home, get up every morning, and face the work world, only to come home to sticky kitchen chairs, a teenager with a learner’s permit, last-minute peanut-butter-and-jam dinners and after-dinner children who explode with “Daddy-do-this” energy.My husband spends his free time fixing flat bicycle tires, holes in the plasterboard directly opposite the doorknobs, leaking faucets, washing machines, hair driers, curling irons, squeaky doors, remote control cars, beheaded dolls, and runny noses. He takes time to build dollhouses, model airplanes, clubhouses, and our children’s memories.
I used to think the greatest show of romantic love was a passionate Hollywood kiss and embrace followed by an expression like, “Oh my darling, I cannot live another moment without you.” Now I feel the greatest expressions of love sound more like “Snuggle up and I’ll get your feet warm.” Or, “Don’t worry about the car, honey. We have insurance.” Or, “I’ll take care of the kids. Why don’t you get out and do whatever you want for the day.” Or, “Why, this casserole hardly tastes burned at all.”
Almost three decades ago, my husband and I knelt across a lace-covered altar and gazed into each other’s eyes, believing our love was complete. Now we gaze across a crumpled bed with bloodshot eyes at six in the morning while one child crawls across my stomach, another is perched on my husband’s nose, and one is ready for a jet landing on our shins. The others are spilling cereal and throwing oranges in the kitchen.
A famous unmarried author was once interviewed about her illustrious career. She was wealthy and had been internationally published, seemingly receiving every prestigious award. “I’d give it all up in a moment,” she said to the reporter, “to be able to sit next to the fire in the evenings with someone I love and someone who loves me.”And that, in spite of the constant chaos we call family life, is why marital romance just keeps getting better and better.
Good, Bad & the Ugly
So, just in the past couple of hours, I have discovered a few good, bad & ugly moments. First, a gal I used to work with at Cellular One has made herself an amazing company that was just featured on a local program. I checked out her website, sent her a note, and also ordered some candy! I'm so happy for her and it's amazing to see what she's done since then. We worked together when she was pregnant with her first baby, Benjamin, and after she had him, she quit to stay home. Check out her website:
As long as we are talking about good things: I found another great website that is helping me to read my scriptures everyday! Check out Mike and I now have a scripture reading team, which just means we can check up on each other.
Next, bad news that our sister-in-law who is expecting has twins, however they are extremely early. She went to the hospital with flu symptoms and had a seizure, so they took the babies c-section. From what we hear, one baby is 3 pounds, the other 4 pounds. I know that my friend, Jamie's little Jordyn, was smaller than that and today is a vibrant, beautiful little girl. So, I feel like the babies will be just fine. I don't think they know why Cath had a seizure, yet. We'll be praying for their family. It's hard to have them so far away as they live back east.
The ugly moment of the day is that Mike and I are having a tiff today. My fault and it was over something little. However, I have just let it go on all day instead of ending it quickly like I usually do. I hate to be in a fight. Now, this gets a little too deep for a hang on. But, for some reason today, I have decided to do some soul searching and I know that I need to make some changes in my attitude. That's a hard thing to admit, but hopefully I will get past the 'little things' that hold me back (see my previous post regarding Sheri Dew's talk). Thank goodness I know that my hubby loves me and it's a good thing he thinks I'm cute.....
As long as we are talking about good things: I found another great website that is helping me to read my scriptures everyday! Check out Mike and I now have a scripture reading team, which just means we can check up on each other.
Next, bad news that our sister-in-law who is expecting has twins, however they are extremely early. She went to the hospital with flu symptoms and had a seizure, so they took the babies c-section. From what we hear, one baby is 3 pounds, the other 4 pounds. I know that my friend, Jamie's little Jordyn, was smaller than that and today is a vibrant, beautiful little girl. So, I feel like the babies will be just fine. I don't think they know why Cath had a seizure, yet. We'll be praying for their family. It's hard to have them so far away as they live back east.
The ugly moment of the day is that Mike and I are having a tiff today. My fault and it was over something little. However, I have just let it go on all day instead of ending it quickly like I usually do. I hate to be in a fight. Now, this gets a little too deep for a hang on. But, for some reason today, I have decided to do some soul searching and I know that I need to make some changes in my attitude. That's a hard thing to admit, but hopefully I will get past the 'little things' that hold me back (see my previous post regarding Sheri Dew's talk). Thank goodness I know that my hubby loves me and it's a good thing he thinks I'm cute.....
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Guam! Etc.

Holy Cow! My youngest brother, Evan just joined the Air Force. Today, my Mom called to tell me he got his orders of where he'll be stationed. GUAM! I never saw that one coming. When he and his wife, Jamie, told us they were joining the military they were excited to travel....well, this is definately travel! When Evan was in junior high school, he and my parents moved to Missouri. They lived there 9 years and while there, he met Jamie and got married. He and Jamie came to Utah for awhile (after my parents moved back), but didn't like it much and moved back to MO. We see them a couple times a year and miss them and their little girl, Carsyn, so much! I'm thinking, now we will see them even less! They are expecting a little boy in March. I'm hoping we get to see him before they leave. Good thing is that we can meet them in Hawaii when he's on leave! That's not a bad deal! My Mom sounds really nervous, but she's glad he's not going to Iraq or Afghanistan. Amen to that. Evan served his mission in California, so this will be the first experience he'll have of being out of the country. I'm still trying to take it all in.
My piano recital went fabulous! All the kids were well prepared and we zipped through that recital in 40 minutes! Their parents were pleased and my parents thought things went really well. As Mike and I were talking on the way to the recital, he mentioned that he hated practicing and only wanted to play basketball when he was younger and in piano lessons. He says now that he would love to play the piano more than play basketball! That's the neat thing about piano or any instrument. You can take it with you your whole life. It doesn't matter how old you are when you start. You can always improve and it doesn't hurt your knees when you play! I am a little overwhelmed at how many students I have right now, but it is a great experience to be able to teach and hopefully help the kids love to play.
Mike and his buddies are in St. George golfing! I am so jealous because it has been soooo cold here! He said it feels like summer down there. So, my friend whose hubby is in S.G. with Mike, called and asked us to go to the Jordan World Circus with them last night. I have to say, we went to Barnum & Bailey's Circus last year and was not impressed at all! I don't expect much from a circus, but it was boring! This circus was actually fun! The kids LOVED it and their only disappointment was that we didn't let them ride the elephant! At $7 per wasn't happening! That, and the fact that I didn't have any cash. I was digging through my purse to come up with the $16 cash to get in! I was 30 cents short, but the gal let me in! Now, I'm not pleading poverty, it was just that they didn't take debit cards and I didn't have the checkbook. I thought it must have looked so pathetic to everyone around....but hey! No one offered to give me 30 cents! The funniest part is when the ringmaster did commercials for all the concessions! It was so blatant: "Kids raise your hand if you want the light up gladiator sword and tell your parents!" I guess they are banking on the fact that we are an indulgent generation that doesn't say no to their kids! But, I don't have that problem~and neither does my friend. We would just look at each other and laugh! We ended up having Eva sleep over and the girls are just loving it!
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