Here is a bunch of pictures from Sydney's phone :)
Spencer Vernon....her current crush. He stole her phone and left 100 selfies. She was happy!Hayden Toone. He's been her good friend. She likes to tease him by telling him lies like she's moving, but even when he finds out, he still is friends with her. He has a little crush on her for sure!
Griffin or Griffy. Also, good friend. His sister played soccer with Amanda. We've known the Argyles for a long time and we love having Griffy in our home!
Sam Parrish...another close friend. They are such good friends everyone thinks they are 'dating' I've met his parents and just love them! They have the party house and the kids go there a lot!
More Sam and Mason Masters. Mason is the sweetest kid ever! Super polite! And he is such a good friend to Sydney. He's not LDS and going through Addy's death was really hard on him. He wants to believe he'll see her again, but he doesn't know for sure. I told Sydney that she can be a great example to him when she bears her testimony of what she believes!
I don't know who put the heart eyes emoji, but below is Griffin and Sam...
Oh is one picture of Amanda. She danced with L2D in a charity show in January.
Mason and Zac Bingham photobombing!
Sydney and Morgan spend lots of time together working through missing Addy. They do make each other laugh!
Look how pretty Sydney's hair is in this picture! ;) A screen shot from Addy's instagram....
Sydney and Liz continue to text each other. I'm so glad that Liz is the amazing woman she is and that she is so willing to help and is so concerned about Sydney. Love her!
I call Sydney and Morgan salt n pepper. One day they had me braid their hair together...cute girls!
West Kaysville got another traffic signal! Yuck! This is in prep for the Smith's Marketplace that is going in on 200 North. Our little town has changed so much in the 10 years we've been here!
Amanda talked us into taking them to the XGames. Amanda brought Chezney and Sydney brought Morgan. More on that later. On the day we were leaving, Sydney and I took flowers to Addy's grave. I broke down earlier realizing that if Addy were still with us, she would be the one going with us! It was nice to go and be gone over the 23rd which is always a big reminder of Addy. We like distractions lately!
Sydney is reaching for an angel ornament that someone had brought for the grave. It had fallen when we got there from a little Christmas tree covered with the same ornament. Sydney said Addy would want us to have it. She put it in my car for safety and it's still there!
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