Saturday, July 5, 2014

Back to Sydney's ballet recitals

 First night we went with the whole family minus Amanda who was at dance intensives and Grandpa & Grandma Gibson. I had to take this off my instagram/phone, so sorry for the look of it.  Sydney's recitals are at Weber State University in the Browning Center with a live orchestra: American Philharmonic.

Afterward, we went to Farr's Ice Cream in downtown Ogden.  His grandparents lived in Ogden and would they would visit them often.  They would take them to the fair/carnival and put him on the train that went around and around in a circle. Grandpa would keep giving the train operator coins to keep the train going so 'Butchie' could have a ride.  Even when the train operator wanted to close up and go home, Grandpa would say no, Butchie wants to ride still.

 Thursday night we had Grandma & Papa Arveseth and Cath, Elize, Ali and Sami come to see Sydney dance. They were very impressed.

 We also went with them to Farr's and had ice cream.  Super fun!

 Sydney with Maddy Weger.  Maddy is going to L2D with Sydney next year.

 After Sydney performed her dance on Thursday, she came outside and I left the auditorium to meet her. Then, she had an impromptu photo shoot while we waited for grandparents and cousins.  Keep in mind she is in Jesus sandals…..and that an iPhone camera can't catch the quick movements :)

She is a beautiful dancer and I definitely cried watching her dance tonight!!!

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