Monday, October 1, 2012

We're almost done or the reason I love my car!

We are almost done!  This Thursday, Brandon is scheduled to get his cast off.  It's been a long month.  I have had to take him to school, walk him in and go back in the afternoon to walk him out and take him home.  As I was sitting here thinking about that, I am actually getting a little sad.  I figured I better write it down before I forget why.

I love my car!  My car has magical powers!  When I am alone with one of our children in the car, they will talk and talk and talk.  Brandon and I aren't alone in the car very much anymore.

The first day I brought Brandon home, he was such a chatterbox!!!  It surprised me!   He told me all about his day, unprovoked.  I didn't even say, 'how was your day?' he just spilled every detail on our 5 minute ride home.  It was so fun!

It's been that way for the past 4 weeks and I have cherished every minute.  It's not like this when he and Sydney get home after riding the bus.  They both come in, dump their bags and start looking for treats.  It's not long before they are playing with friends or taking a minute to unwind by watching tv or playing with their ipods.  Even if I ask, 'how was your day' I don't get the same detailed stories I have been getting these past few weeks.

The other night when I was driving Amanda home from somewhere, it was the same deal.  I've been remembering the words I heard from a woman in our Murray ward and finding they are true;  if you want to talk to your teen-agers, it happens at night. Better take an afternoon nap!  We had a great conversation as my car worked it's magical powers again!

I love being a Mom. I love getting to know each of our kids better during this time in their lives.  They are growing into beautiful people.  I'm so grateful to be a stay-at-home Mom.  I'm so grateful for my amazing and loving husband who was the one encouraging me to stay home after we had Amanda.  I'm so grateful Mike is still so hard working and fun loving and is an amazing Dad to our wonderful children.

I know after Thursday I'm going to need to find another way to connect with Brandon each day.  I'm not sure I can still keep taking him to school and picking him up every day because I do love the bus! ;)  Maybe I'll just have to take each kid for a drive every once in awhile and enjoy the ride!

1 comment:

Kierstin said...

that is why i love driving and picking my kids up every day its our time before and after school to reconnect. I love it.