Thursday, October 25, 2012


This is what we woke up to this morning!  My exclamation of 'It snowed!' is the only thing that made our exhausted teenager climb out of bed.  She had to see it for herself.  
Then, she ran and turned on the Christmas lights!
 Our cute neighbor who moved here from California posted a picture on facebook looking down the street from her house.  These Christmas lights being on caused quite a stir on her page.  Her CA friends could not believe we had them up already.  I chimed in explaining we put them up now to avoid putting them up in a snowstorm and assured them I had already turned them back off since the celebration of the first snow was over once the kids went to school.  I quickly snapped my own photo with my phone and sent it to Mike who is in California today!  He wrote back, 'WOW!' and then sent me the view from his hotel room.....
Doesn't it look peaceful and relaxing?  I hope Mike gets to relax while he's there.  Our trip last week with Baileys for the Allied convention is usually not relaxing for him.  He has meetings to attend and plays golf with the owners everyday.  You would think playing golf everyday would be relaxing, but it gets quite tiring and there are other things he might like to do. Like spend time with me!

Anyway, here is the view I had last week. The convention was at Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Hotel in Phoenix.  Becksteads and Joneses brought 2 of their kids each because it was UEA weekend. I guess if we had known, we could have driven down and brought our kids with us.  Next time maybe.

I did a little shopping with Tyra.  I got a manicure.  The lady was late for my appointment, so the spa brought me a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries and cream to munch while I was waiting. That was for sure worth the wait!  I read a book. I watched 'Pretty Little Liars' on my iPad.

There was a general meeting on Thursday where Newt Gingrich was the speaker.  He was fascinating to listen to.  Mike & I were first in line to get our pictures taken with him.  We also got to hear from David Feherty, a former pro golfer who now has a tv show.  He's Irish, so it was fun to listen to his accent.  He's had a hard life though, including being run over by a truck so he doesn't stay on track very well.  The resort was ok, but the food was good!  It was fun to hang out with Tyra and her girls and Judy and her boys.  It was also fun to get home to the kiddos and relieve my mom :) hard can our kids be to watch now....they are all pretty self-sufficient.  They also had a sleepover at Roger & Cozette's since it was UEA. Thanks you two!
So, it's 6:00pm and it is still snowing off and on....I'm looking at the picture Mike sent again and sure hope he is enjoying his nice weather!

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