Thursday, April 19, 2012

Egg-citing Day!

All the 4th graders at Snow Horse participated in an Egg Drop today.  It was the social event of the afternoon as parents and siblings lined the playground to watch the drop!
 The students had to design their own box within certain specifications, such as: no parachutes, 6 inches overall diameter, etc.
 Sydney came up with her own design of a cardboard box filled with cotton balls to cushion the egg.
 With a little help from Mom and Dad when she needed hot glueing the box together because only 12 inches of tape was allowed....her box was completed!
 The Kaysville City Fire Department brought their hook and ladder truck. The rookie fireman climbed up with a bag full of egg transports.....and dropped them!  Sydney's is the red and white box!
 This ladder was taller than our school!  Brandon had me get him out of school so he could watch.

 After the whole class's boxes were thrown off the ladder, they could retrieve them.
 Here's the moment of truth! Did her egg survive or crack?

Whoops! Didn't make it ;(  There were similar designs to our box, but with one addition. They put the egg in a box before putting it into the cotton ball lined box.  I have to admit that Sydney wanted to do the same thing and I talked her out of it!  Sorry Sydney!

Mikey is golfing with some buddies and was on pins and needles wanting to know if the egg survived! We recorded the drop (a short 2 seconds) and texted him when we found out the egg's fate.....

There were quite a few eggs that survived from her classmates, but also a ton that didn't.  Sydney was fine that hers didn't survive after I told her I was wrong and should have listened to her!  What a great lesson the kids learned today!


Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

Wow...the rules have become a lot more strict since last year! There were tons of parachutes last year. And we didn't have any sort of limit on tape. I don't remember having to wait to grab the package till everyone else was done either. Brandon's egg came down and made an ominous sound that everyone groaned over, he ran out to pick it up and then immediately opened it to check the fate. (Amazingly, it survived.) I guess the new rules force the kids to become even more creative and the waiting heightens the anticipation. haha. :) Not necessarily bad things. It's a fun activity.

Do anything you can afford said...

Well, mother is usually right - go figure. Anyway, a fun activity and a good learning experience.

Heidi Green said...

I didn't realize how far behind I was on your blog... This is a fun activity - good idea to get Brandon out. I also love the easter pics. Such beautiful kids! And I love Brandon's pout - those are the things that are fun to look back on.