Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jazz Clinic

Every year, Baileys does a kid's basketball clinic with the Utah Jazz!  This year, Amanda was babysitting, so we had a couple of empty slots.  We took Josh & Spencer Harwood with us.  Sorry to Taylor who had to go to the doctor for a check up.  Next time!
 The Jazz player was Earl Watson and can we just say he is our favorite by far?  He was so down to earth.  He took the kid's questions seriously.  He told awesome stories about his growing up and the goals he had and how he achieved them. He believes in hard work.  He really got into teaching the kids some skills.  The kids loved him!

 This is Sydney after she won a game against the rest of group-which were all boys!  They had to do some push-ups when she won. Way to go, Syd!

 Brandon has decided he likes basketball and will let us sign him up for next season.  This makes his basketball playing Dad pretty happy!
 Getting their official picture with Earl.  He signed all of their shirts!
At the interview table!  They were totally digging that!  They had some box lunches and drinks for the kids afterward.  They had a great time! Thanks, Baileys!

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