Friday, February 24, 2012

Ice Breaker in cold St. George!

We headed south for the President's Day holiday to watch Amanda and her team compete in the Ice Breaker tourney.
Mike's parents came with us and we had a great time!
My parents came on Sunday due to a funeral of my Dad's Aunt Clea that was on Saturday.
They stayed with Bud and Kay and then hung out for the rest of the week with them.
This picture is of Shaylee. Girl has speed....
It was fun to have my new camera with us.  Mike loves it! He was team photog for sure!
These pictures are from the game against the Storm.  We owned that game and were up 1-0 until the last 2 minutes and they scored! Heartbreaking, but the best game I have seen the girls play.
 Here is Amanda warming the bench with Kaylee and Madi Fergi.  It was so cold!
 Here's Brylie in a crunch where we came up with the ball!
 Little Madi Baker on a break...
And the team during half...more pics to come!

1 comment:

Heidi Green said...

I'm surprised it was so cold down there. It looks like a great trip. Way to go Amanda!