Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And some pictures to go with that video

This competition was at Cottonwood High School...our alma mater! It was really fun to be back in our school and be able to tell the kids that this is where it all started!
 And because it was our high school, the grandparents were nice and close and were able to come cheer Sydney on!

 This is Sydney and her friend, Chloe Checketts. They are two peas in a pod when it comes to cheer!

The team won 2nd place! We were so proud of them and yet, a little perplexed by who won 1st place.  It was a good teaching moment on how to be a good winner and be happy with a 2nd place!

Renae was watching Doug & Cath's boys and couldn't make it to the comp. So, we grabbed lunch and went up to visit her.  Amanda had to miss also because she was still in snowboarding lessons.

Monday, the kids were out of school, so I took Brandon and Sydney to Kangaroo Zoo to meet up with the Harwoods.  We stopped by and said hi to Mikey since you can see Bailey's from the 'Zoo'.

Pretty normal busy week after that, until we got to Friday and the Jazz  Clinic! Stay tuned!

Sydney's Cheer

For awhile now, Sydney has been telling me to load videos to my blog. I have tried and it never works! So, I tried today and it looks like it might have worked!
Enjoy Sydney's cheer routine.
We were not front and center, but front and side so the angle is off.  
When they start, Syd is back right corner on the left front side of the stunt circle.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A little help from above.....

Whew...I feel like this week we have been able to take a breath.  I have been judging my weeks by how 'in control' I feel of the entire day.  The week before...not so much.  I have pictures to post from Sydney's latest cheer comp and things to document, but those will have to wait.
Mostly because I used my 'one-to-one' with Apple this week to learn about iPhoto and took the computer with me to the Apple Store.  I haven't hooked the photo stuff back up.

But, I have decided it's really because I need to document this little story first.  I have thought of it many, many times this week.  I am one that usually hears the still, small voice and then doesn't act and only after the fact thinking, 'Oh, that was a prompting!'

 (sorry about the red-eye)

Here's the story.  I love Brandon so much! He is my favorite boy around by far!  He is fun, smart and sweet.  He loves his mama!  He never gives me a lick of trouble.  And I miss the snuggle time we used to get when he'd get home from kindergarten.  We would sit on the couch and talk and read while he would unwind from his school day.  First grade is a hard transition.

Well, we have been having just a couple of issues with him lately.  Nothing that isn't normal.  Especially the one about him wearing a coat to school.  I know he is practicing his independence, but when the school calls me to tell me to bring him a coat, then I feel like it's not the time for him to make his own choice.

Oh, I tried to let him suffer the consequence of not wearing a coat on a day where it was about 15 degrees. I honestly don't think he felt cold.  But, the adults at the school felt like he needed some outerwear and called me over.  I tried to explain the lesson I was trying to teach my son, but they weren't buying it.  I decided to choose my battle with the school in this instance and took the coat over.

I have tried a lot of solutions to this coat problem.  He wears an undershirt when I remind him.  He wears his light (very light) Utah jacket.  My cute friend, Nicole, gave us a way nice jacket that used to be Taylor's (Brandon is Taye's biggest fan!) to see if that would help him.

And, Taylor's jacket worked that first day until it was time to leave the house.  Then he threw a fit again.  I gently pushed the kids out the door and told them to catch the bus.  I closed the door, but didn't lock it.  I went to my bedroom and started making my bed and straightening the room.  After I heard the bus drive by, I heard a little knock at the front door.

When I opened the door, it was Brandon. He had stayed on the front porch until the bus drove on by!  He told me he didn't want to wear a coat.

Well, I'm sad to say I didn't handle that well.  I got upset and yelled and told him that he needed to listen to me because I know what I'm talking about and it's cold outside! I only want him to be warm at school and at recess and he should listen to me!

Now, we had read our scriptures over breakfast that morning.  I remember feeling so great that we had accomplished that goal early in the morning,  and the kids had done their morning jobs, they had fed the dog, everything was going exceptionally well until the knock on the door.

As we piled into the car to drive him to school, still wearing the jacket, I had a prompting that I should give him positive reinforcement on this issue instead of the negative he was receiving.  It came so clear to me and I thought, this is the reward of reading this morning....help with my mothering.

Any of you who are down to your last baby growing up realize that things get less strict with the younger kids.  Brandon doesn't do as many jobs as Amanda did when she was 6 years old, for example.  So, I think that I have gotten lazy in my problem solving with this precious kid and I was gently reminded that morning.

I asked him as we arrived at the school if he would like to earn something for everyday that he wears his jacket to school without a fuss and makes the bus.  Immediately his demeanor changed.  He asked what could he earn and I told him that is his choice.  I told him to think about it while he was at school and I would go home and make him a 'coat jar'  For each morning he wore the coat, he can put a penny in the jar.  He left happier.  I felt happier and was so glad I didn't send my cute first grader to school sad.

When he got home, I had the jar ready and the pennies.  He colored the jar (his idea) and decided how full the jar had to be before he could get his reward.  And guess what? It has worked beautifully for the 3 days since!

How grateful I am for that prompting.  It took a frustrating situation for Brandon and me and turned it into an easy way to encourage and praise him.  It makes me feel like a nicer Mom.

We've since used the reward system with him for the other minor issue we have been having with him and it's working beautifully, too!  (Except for the fact that he knows what he wants this reward to be and I can't find it at the store!!!! Yikes!!)

This was a great lesson learned for me.  I wanted to document it so I can look back and remember.  Too many times I rush through the day without stopping to think about how I can improve.  I'm grateful that my reading of the scriptures had such an immediate reward!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sydney's Cheer Comp!

This year Sydney has taken up Cheer!  She LOVES it and that is an understatement!  Her very first cheer comp was this past Saturday. Yep, the first big snowstorm (at least in Davis County) of 2012.  Her comp was in PROVO! So, we had to leave about 6:45AM to get there in time.  It was a hairy drive through Davis County, but opened up pretty well the rest of the way down.
Mike stayed home with Amanda because she has ballet and snowboarding lessons on Saturdays.  Brandon and he also got haircuts and spent the morning building a Lego Star Wars set!
 Here are the girls giving themselves a cheer before they were 'on'
 Sydney is in the top right corner getting ready for a stunt.  She is on the left side of the group.
 Sydney is the gal with her knees bent closest to the front.
 I was trying hard to get some cute shots of their routine as well as watch the whole show.  They moved fast!!!

 Cute little pose by Sydney!  I guess I should have edited her red eyes before posting this one!
 Getting ready for a tumbling pass...
 Another stunt
 Jump! Good straight arms!
 Almost done!
Sydney and her friend, Sam.  Sam's mom and I hung out together and it was nice to make some new friends!  The best part, at least for the girls, was they came in FIRST PLACE! Way to go, Sydney!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a New Year!

Our cute friends, the Francis family always throw a New Years Eve party for a group of us! We are starting to plan on it.....cute Nicole, even though she had 5 parties at her house in December, still let us come over and party out!  Yes, this includes kids!
 My cute friends Jen and Elise got to be guinea pigs for my new camera. Nicole also got a new camera, so we were checking them out.  Elise wasn't loving being the model :) but we think she's beautiful!

 Amazingly enough, Amanda didn't have plans with her friends, so LUCKY for us we got her the whole night!  I know this may not happen next year, so I loved having her hang out by me all night! She was texting friends, boys, and Boston Jarman came over when he heard Amanda was there, but she was my buddy and didn't leave my side. I loved it!

 Mike bought some awesome fireworks that he set off at midnight (and a one before and another the night before!)

 Cute Syd Syd!

 Then, everyone gathered to witness our family tradition of burning down the gingerbread house! Zoe even brought hers out to add to the fire and we also burned Brandon's house he built at school.
 The big kids setting things up as Dad went for some fuel....aka gasoline!

 And we sang, 'O Gingerbread House, o gingerbread house.....'I don't really know what words we sing next....

 It was a chilly night and the kids were huddled around the houses like a bonfire and warming their hands! So cute!

We had to keep calling the kids out of the road as cars would pass....but it didn't take them long to huddle back around!

The Utes won their bowl game on New Years Eve....that was awesome! It was a nail biter and even went into overtime!  Our friends, the Lallis hosted the Sun Bowl party in their awesome basement! We partied all day and it was a great way to end this great year! Happy New Year everyone!

Can you tell how quiet it is around here today now that everyone is back at school and work?  I miss having everyone home.

Last night, for FHE, we decided to have our own family Year in Review and asked everyone to tell us what were their favorite memories of this past year.  Here are the ones I can remember:  Lake Powell trips, San Diego for Jill & Mike, New York and Penn trips with the whole family, Mike & Brandon at boy's camp, ballet recitals and Nutcracker, Dad's new truck, St George trips, Kaysville parade and Sydney being in it, U museum tour as VIP's, Amanda's snow shoe field trip, YW retreat, girl's camp, Amanda's braces, Amanda's first baptisms for the dead with Mike, Bud & Kay in St. George, soccer games, Sydney starting cheer, Daddy and kid bike rides and our family helping clean up the trees limbs after the destructive wind storm.

We are truly blessed and have enjoyed so many things this past year.  All of our favorite things involve our family and that was the best thing to hear!  We have also started saying 'nice things' to each other before our family prayer each night.  It started to help stop some of the fighting and also help us to be more positive toward each other.  We all take a turn, even Mom & Dad.  Last night, Brandon who usually has a hard time thinking of things and then saying he hates his sisters, came up with his nice things super fast!  Hopefully this continues :)  That has been one of my favorite things to do this past month.  I love my  little family!

The day after Christmas....

And all through the house....
 Brandon was playing his new Wii games
 And Sydney was pondering while Daddy put together her new keyboard!
 Then, it was on to Legos! Daddy was putting those together and Brandon and Sydney were playing..

Legos are a great toy! These two spend hours playing together, inventing 'ships' and stories.  
Later that day, Mike & I went searching for a new TV. Our family tv was seriously broken.  We had a little lunch at Chick-fi-la and ended up with a rockin' new tv for the family room and a new console for our tv in our bedroom.  
Mike & I also went to dinner with my siblings as our gifts to each other this year. We met at Red Rock at Fashion Place Mall.  The mall was so crowded! We had to park further away than I ever have at that mall!  We had a great time with these awesome people and enjoyed our time together! I love this new tradition and hope everyone else does, too.  We missed Dan & Stacie as her grandmother passed away that morning.
We loved having Mike home all day!  It was fun to take some time as a family and just be.  We are always running in a million different directions with different activities or stresses....I just couldn't get enough of our 'down time' this year!