Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Test Drive!

We hit the end of the school year and went right into dance recital season, art classes andavacation to Lake Powell. I'm just hoping to catch up a little!
Amanda's team had a make-up game the first Saturday in June. It was a little awkward because some of the team member's have chosen to move to other clubs or quit soccer all together. However, like it has been true from the first, these girls are sweet girls who love each other no matter if they are on the same team or not. That was one of the things that made us want to join the Shock! We wanted it to be a great and fun experience for Amanda and not one filled with mean girls, jealousy or manic competition. The only sad thing during the game was when Daisha got the ball kicked hard and at close range into her wrist and broke it! She is one of the girls giving up soccer and so in her final game and at the start of the summer, she has a broken arm!
Anyway, her coaches had an end of the year party for the 'old' team the next week and Amanda said it was so great! She will go to school with a couple of the girls who left, but the others promised to stay in touch and if they ever end up playing against each other, I know it will be a good experience and not a nightmare.
Back to my first point....since this make-up game was near Willard Bay, we decided to take the boat out on a test run! We took the boat to the game, stopped at Subway for lunch after the game and then spent a couple of hours on the lake! The kids got to take turns driving, especially because it wasn't very crowded.
One of Amanda's soccer friends, 'T' (her name is Katie, but they called her T because there was more than one Katie) and her family had the same idea as we saw them there!
It was a beautiful day! At that point in the spring, we hadn't seen many days without rain, so it was fun to look at the gorgeous blue sky!

Our bishop wanted the YW to earn their own money for camp this year. The Mia Maids put together an auction for ward members to buy certain services from the girls and that money would go straight to the girl's camp fun. They only had to earn $25. Amanda was not at YW the night they set up the auction, so at the last minute, sweet Sister Joni Page, let Amanda was her car and make her some cookies to earn the money.
Joni thought Amanda was only going to wash the outside, but you know how Mike is about cars. They did an awesome job! That was one shiny car, inside and out!

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