Thursday, June 30, 2011


Amanda in a spin during her 'Roxy' dance

I can't believe I have actually found a moment that is quiet. Sydney is at cheer. Brandon is at a friend's house and Amanda is chilling on the couch. It seems like it's been a month since it's been this I blog for the few minutes I have-leaving the vacuuming to be done at another time :)

Amanda and her friends took a Jazz dance class at Luv2Dance this past school year. Their recital was the week right after school got out. I have video of their dance, but I still can't get video to post. I also tried to get some still pictures, but my camera battery ran out!

Their dance was cute and it was nice to have them get some difference experience than ballet. Plus, it's always fun to dance with friends!
Amanda and Keslee. Kes is also on Amanda's soccer team!
Amanda and Bridgette! Bridge was on the soccer team, but is giving it up next year.

Amanda and Maddy....cute girls!

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