Between soccer, getting the yard in order, work, ballet, piano lessons, end of school approaching and Brandon's birthday, May is CRAZY! I don't remember details of what has happened the past 2 weeks other than all these things crammed together!
Mother's Day was lovely. My family made me my annual breakfast in bed. They all came in and gave me their presents and then Brandon took my order from a menu prepared by Sydney. Mikey then cooked me my favorite omlet he makes me and all was right with the world!

I had to accompany some moms in the ward as they were singing in Sacrament meeting on Mother's Day. It was quite beautiful. It was also the first day in the nursery. It wasn't too bad, but we have a couple of kids to win over.
Earlier in the week, Brandon and I weeded my Mom's gardens and planted some flowers. We had stopped by a store on the way down and bought Brandon some Spongebob weeding gloves and he picked out flowers for my Mom. I loved that she had him help plant the flowers around the trees in her front yard. We then headed to Paradise Bakery for lunch!

Also Sunday, we went to SL to visit our Moms. We were able to see the cousins, too, which is always a hit with our kids. Here are the Moms in my Mom, my cute sisters-in-law; Stacie, Cozette and Kat. We missed Jamie, of course. Mike & Sydney got Darin hooked on playing 'Words' on his iPhone (it's a game like Scrabble). Good times!

For Renae, we had a canvas wrapped picture made up in a portrait size. This is at Grandma-Great's funeral, but I get a little teary-eyed when I see this picture for some reason. I think it's because Jim & Renae surrounded by their boys on this day was very special. Renae says she loves it....(ok, it wasn't this exact pose....I had one of everyone smiling and somewhat looking at me)

I had to add these two pictures. They were taken at the YW Grandmothers Night we had in April. We were so lucky to have both Grandmas there. They did a great job on their presentations and the food was good. It was fun to have a picture of all of us!

CRT testing has been going on for Amanda all week. We have tried hard to get her to bed at a decent hour and have a good breakfast before school. One day she missed the bus. That same day Mike had my car keys. This car is 10 years old and we have one key for it. I had to call Nicole and she offered to let me take her car to take Amanda to school. She had been in the bath and jumped out to give me her keys. What a great friend! I felt so bad, but was so grateful that I was able to get Amanda to school on time.
This morning, Mike decided that 6am on a Saturday was a fantastic time to get up and head to the nursery. So, we did just that only to find out it doesn't open until 8am. We went back home, checked on the kids who were still sleeping, then left to go back to J&J. We only had time to get a couple of things for the yard today....soil and vermiculite for the garden and flagstone to finish up our paths in the backyard. As we were heading back to the nursery and driving along 200 North, a Tahoe pulled out just as we were passing it. I don't know how Mike managed to honk and not hit the car coming the opposite direction as he served out of that guy's way. The Tahoe looked to be turning around on the road. If we had been even 2 second later, we would have t-boned the car and possibly had a fatality. It was so scary.....I cried and was shaking. Mike stopped the truck and got out to yell at the guy, who turned out to be a Grandpa with a handicap tag. The Grandpa apologized profusely and Mike got back in the car and we continued on our way. I don't know why I'm telling this story other than to remind myself that life can change in a second....I'm so grateful that Mike was a great defensive driver and that we had angels watching over us this morning.
The day got better as Brandon scored a goal in his soccer game today and he looked a little surprised when it happened! I was so glad that both Mike & I were able to be at this game. We usually have to divide and conquer with Brandon and Amanda's games being at the same time.
Amanda's team almost won today. A penalty kick late in the game by the other team tied it up. The penalty was for 'hands' but it should have been a foul on the other team as their player pushed our player to the ground and while our girl was falling, she hit the ball with her hand. After the game there was a team meeting where our coach told us he is stepping down. He has to be out of the country on business most weeks and can't give the team the time he feels we need. We have enjoyed this coach and this team. I hope that the changes will be minimal, positive and that Amanda continues to love playing with this team. After the game, her coach Matt told us in an email what a great game Amanda played today. Also, the team manager, Jamie, stopped Mike in the parking lot to tell Amanda that she played so great today and how much she has improved. Great job, Amanda!
I did the Utah Historical Society home tour with Nicole again today. We had a house on 15th East an 13th South. While I was giving tours, Mike took the kids to SLC to pick up the boat. Then, he drove the kids and the boat to the U bookstore. I would have loved to see him park.....They had too much fun at the bookstore, then he took them to the library to look around. They all came to the house we were showing afterward and took the tour. It was fun to have them see what I was doing. Sydney came in sporting her new, bright Utah red wig with hair sticking straight up! She's good at making an entrance...
Nicole, Nicole's Mom Julie, and I toured a few homes. It started raining, so that 'dampened' the day. One house we visited had ferretts. The animals were out of the home, but the moment I walked in I noticed it was so stinky! By the time we walked into the second room, I was sneezing, coughing and couldn't wait to get out! Ugh!
Julie had to get home, but Nicole and I went to dinner at The Dodo! Ah, love the Dodo! Perfect ending to this fun day and we even indulged in the Tollhouse Pie! (excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin....)

And, here is my latest attempt at being crafty! When we were first married, I was called into the YW. The President had made me a simple tablecloth to use when I taught lessons. I have held onto that tablecloth, using it every time I teach in YW. A couple of my YW leader friends had commented on my nifty tablecloth and at one time I thought, I should make them all one for Christmas. When I wasn't on the ball enough to do that, I had the same thought when I got released. Seeing as I don't sew, I borrowed my Mom's machine, hemmed up some cute fabric and delivered the gifts to my YW friends whom I will miss working with.....They say they love them and Heidi even commented that the girls loved the one I gave her. I may have moved on to another calling, but I will miss the YW and I will leave a little part of me with them on Sundays!
This post was unintentionally long and possibly boring, but as this is my journal there were some things I didn't want to leave out. But now it is time for sleep!
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