It rained all morning! The sky was dark and dreary. We prayed and hope and lo and behold-it cleared up just in time for Brandon's party! We got a deal on a bounce house.

Mike came home to help and stayed the rest of the day! It made me so happy! I just feel more peaceful and calm when he's around. I needed that with the 8 little boys that were here for the party. It was our turn to have playgroup, so we decided to throw Brandon's party during our playgroup. By the way, this is the last playgroup I ever have to host....ever....

The bounce house was a HIT! Those boys played and played and played! I had to stop them to do presents and cake and ice cream. I made rockets out of ding dongs, etc. and we had ice cream cones. Brandon has such nice friends and he loved every gift!

The boys would climb up the slide together and then all slide down together and laugh and laugh and laugh. When the party was over, no one wanted to go home!

This was the easiest party we've ever had! We then invited the neighbor kids over to bounce and they had a ball! It's all they could talk about today.

Then, another big day for Brandon....the kindergarten trip to the zoo! I was lucky enough to go along! This is the first time I've ridden a school bus to one of our kids field trips. Not so fun. Brandon didn't want to sit by me on the way there. On the way home, he wanted me to sit by him and we snuggled the whole way home! Nice to know he still loves his Mom!

Ryan and Brandon
Brandon, Ryan and Kaden by the girafees.
By the end of the trip, I had two more boys to watch as one of the Moms had to make a high school graduation. I was sure glad it was for a short time as three of these kids were wanderers....I was so happy that we had perfect weather!
And speaking of snuggling....I just had to throw this in. While I was starting this post, Brandon had climbed up on our bed and was snuggling up to his Dad.

Mike will love this next picture, but he was laying across the bed resting and Brandon climbed up on him and watched some tv......

Another side note: We did get some new bedroom furniture. We knew we needed a new bed, but once my Mom commented how terrible our bed was after staying here with the kids when we went to San Diego, we made it a higher priority. So far, there are two really great benefits of having purchased the new stuff:
Mike is sleeping! He was waking up every night and not being able to go back to sleep. Sometimes he would get back to sleep and then wake right back up. So not good for you and soooo draining! Now, he sleeps better than a baby!
And, our kids love to hang out in here with us. We'll all climb up on the bed and talk or watch some tv and unwind. It's something both Mike & I have commented to each other that we are really enjoying!
I'll say again, I wish we could freeze time right now and get to enjoy our children like this forever!
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