Sydney's rocking the Utah Snuggie!
Some art and craft stuff...still not the big present she asked for...something that she was willing to give everything else up for....we tried to talk her out of wanting....and iPod Touch. We tried telling her it was too much of a present for a 9 year old. We tried telling her that Santa would only bring her that present and nothing else. She didn't care. It's all she wanted...
And the last present to open!
Ok, this present is wrapped really well!
There's another box to unwrap in here!
Finally, she is thinking she might know what this is!
Yes! Everything she hoped for!!!
Amanda's stuff....
The Utah Snuggie! What a fashion statement!
This present didn't quite make it. In fact, even though Santa ordered it in time, it didn't come until the 28th! These shoes were on her list and she was excited!
But, she did get the JB teddy bear...
And finally! The full-length mirror!
I love this girl! And I love this picture because she is smiling!! Yea!
I got some perfume! Two bottles actually. I had picked a few and gave Mike a list. He picked the ones he liked! Amanda was helping him out and now she is 'sharing' my perfume. Ha, ha. It is pretty fun to have her like the stuff I have...makes me feel like a semi-cool parent...

Then, the last gift. We got him a Kindle and a case. He really liked this one, too. We are deciding now whether to keep it or return it and buy an iPad instead. But, he still thought it was a great gift!

Then, the big gift! A Mac computer! We all are really excited about this one! It has kept the kids busy for hours and I love having on the desk in the kitchen! Yea!
I had been plotting on what to give Mike this year for the entire year! I didn't want to disappoint this year....and have to hear about it all year long ;) Actually, I was really, really excited about what he was getting this year. I was pretty sure that he didn't have any clue about what he was getting and that was more exciting. I wrapped his presents as soon as they came into the house so he wouldn't find their hiding places. He even had his own special wrapping paper, so I didn't have to put a gift name tag on the wrapped presents!
I had been plotting on what to give Mike this year for the entire year! I didn't want to disappoint this year....and have to hear about it all year long ;) Actually, I was really, really excited about what he was getting this year. I was pretty sure that he didn't have any clue about what he was getting and that was more exciting. I wrapped his presents as soon as they came into the house so he wouldn't find their hiding places. He even had his own special wrapping paper, so I didn't have to put a gift name tag on the wrapped presents!
So, he opened the calendar of the kiddos that we give him for his office each year. It turned out so cute! Then, he opened his present from Max. We had Max give him the new clothes because Mike doesn't really think that new clothes is a present. This way he could be mad at the dog! He's obviously not a girl because we love clothes as presents!
Then, he opened the present I knew would really surprise him! I got him a new Spyder ski coat! His last ski jacket is at least 10 years old, so I figured this was a great investment! He really, really likes it! The bonus? It's red so he can wear it to the Utes games!

Success! We made a big old breakfast of omlets (made by Dad) and bacon, the yummy orange juice and then just relaxed. I told Mike my favorite part of Christmas is watching the kids 'play' together with their new toys in the wrapping paper filled family room and how it is so peaceful and fulfilling.
We are very blessed and not because of the gifts, but because we have an amazing little family!
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