Thursday, January 27, 2011
And the fun begins....

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Just when you think...

Monday, January 10, 2011
Merry Christmas to me!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
It's New Years Eve so let's burn down the house!
Christmas Day and beyond!
Brandon got a Star Wars action figure!
Sydney got squinkies and the gumball machine that goes with them.
The Birthday Girls!
I stole this picture from my Mom's blog. We celebrated our December birthdays on Christmas Eve....cake for dessert after sushi and Chinese food! I thought it was perfect! We were missing 2 December birthday babies...Evan and Carsyn.
After visiting my family, we dropped by to see Jim & Renae. Because Jim had been in the hospital just a few days earlier, we didn't have a planned family gathering. But, we were there the same time as Jim & boys, Matt & Alisa and Scott & Kellie! After we left there, Brandon and I went home and Mike took the girls to see Tron!
We did have an official Arveseth gathering on Wednesday. The girls had slept over at Scott & Kellie's house the night before (Thanks again!), so Brandon and I picked Mike up from work at 3:30. There was a crazy storm coming in and the snow was nuts! But, Mike & I were on a mission to get to the BYU bookstore (I know....just wait), before it closed at 6pm. Since we left so early, we thought we had plenty of time to get there and back to the Arveseth's by party time! Well, the snow got so bad that we could only drive 20 miles an hour all the way to Provo! We got on campus and started asking students where the bookstore was....it's in a building...not a seperate building-like the U Bookstore, so it was a bit hard to find. We got there with 10 minutes to spare! We were looking for ugly sweaters for a New Years Eve party we were going to....but couldn't find BYU sweaters! So, we bought some iron-on patches, got a soda and then hit the roads again! Super icy all the way to the Arvy party, but we could drive 30 miles an hour back! We were late, but still made it in time for the festivities! It was great to be together, although it was a bit anti-climatic. We love seeing everyone on Christmas Day!
Christmas morning! The first half...
First, to prolong their agony, we made them pose for pictures
Love Brandon's face in this one...he even has a present in his hand ready to go! Imagine his frustration when we told him to open another one first.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas morning! The last half....
I had been plotting on what to give Mike this year for the entire year! I didn't want to disappoint this year....and have to hear about it all year long ;) Actually, I was really, really excited about what he was getting this year. I was pretty sure that he didn't have any clue about what he was getting and that was more exciting. I wrapped his presents as soon as they came into the house so he wouldn't find their hiding places. He even had his own special wrapping paper, so I didn't have to put a gift name tag on the wrapped presents!
Success! We made a big old breakfast of omlets (made by Dad) and bacon, the yummy orange juice and then just relaxed. I told Mike my favorite part of Christmas is watching the kids 'play' together with their new toys in the wrapping paper filled family room and how it is so peaceful and fulfilling.
We are very blessed and not because of the gifts, but because we have an amazing little family!