Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Utes on Parade!

Kate, Coze, Garrett, Sydney & Amanda with her U
I took the kids downtown last Friday to watch our Utah Football Team in their victory parade! We picked up Darin from his office and parked at Roger's office building. We met up with Staci Medina & her kids and Cozette & her kids.
There were A LOT of people downtown for this party!
Brandon just wasn't feeling himself and kept asking to go home. I guess that's what 2 ear infections and a sinus infection will do to ya. We kind of lost Staci & Cozette when the parade started. There were so many people, and Brandon was sick. Because I had to carry him, I didn't want to fight the crowd to get closer and we just sat back, climbed up on the Traxx curb and watched from a distance. Darin took my camera and got us some pictures.
From the Traxx curb
The parade ended in Washington Square at the City/County Building. We stayed for the pep rally party! Too many politicians spoke, Coach Whit, Brian Johnson (quarterback), confetti flew and the fans cheered! We wore our beads that Mike brought us back from the Sugar Bowl.
(Terrible pic of me, but some lady was goosing me with her stroller! - Cute kids, though!)
We had a great time and although it was a little harder to do with a sick Brandon, I'm glad we did it! It would be great if we did it again next year!! Go Utes!


d.r. gib said...

I am glad D took your camera, he forgot ours. How fun and crazy. You should have goosed the woman back to teach her a lesson.

Cath said...

that picture of you is so great! Made me laugh! Nothing like catching a surprise moment on film... That's awesome you took the kids Jill!

Tiffany said...

We love our Utes!! What a great season!