Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Power of Advertising

I don't know if Brandon is delirious because he is sick, or if commercials are rotting his brain, but here is a summary of the conversation we just had.

Mom: Brandon, how are you feeling?

Brandon: Fine. Mom, you can get white carpet.

Mom: Like on the commercial?

B: Ya, you use the stick and do this (hand movement back and forth) and it cleans it.

Mom: Wow, maybe we should look into it because our carpets are dirty.

B: Ya, you can use it on your stairs. Your upstairs and your downstairs.

Mom: Ok

B: But, it's not for floors

Mom: Oh, only carpets?

B: Ya, and if you have problems with your plants, you can use Aquaglobes

Mom: (controlling laughter), Oh, really?

B: Ya, but I don't know how it does that

Mom: Ok

B: And you can get a Snuggie

Mom: (controlling laughter...again) Ok

B: Ya, they have sister ones

Mom: OK

B: And some you can play video games in and the Wii

Mom: Maybe we should read a book!


Makell said...

That is funny! Don't give that kid a credit card for a while and keep him away from the home shopping network while you still can!

d.r. gib said...

Zach loves Aquaglobes, and I think the Snuggies are hilarious! I hope we have you guys for Christmas this year!!!!

PS Great deals today, I hope Brandon feels better fast.